I’ve heard this statement a lot from higher seniority drivers.

Would you start this job at a young age again if it was like it is now?

  • Yes

  • No

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Baseball, dart board
Alot of the older drivers in my center say no, they wouldn't. But it's easy to say when your 401 is stocked and your pension fund is fed.


Impeach Hunter Biden
Yes because of power steering, automatic transmission, lower step, gas engines instead of diesel exhaust in the cab, turn by turn directions.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
This is almost an impossible question to answer since I was 18 years old 30 years ago, and am very happy I work for UPS as of today. But still probably, I kinda like my job even If that’s not popular

Brown Down

Well-Known Member
The older generation say no because they are whiners. I rarely hear the young guns complaining. Old guys are stubborn and slow to adapt
This job has changed tremedously as well. And im sure it will change just as much from when you started to when you get to 30 years.


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends on circumstances. I've known some drivers that went to college and drove and would NEVER do it again. Got sucked in early. Told me a lot more to be had, especially in later years. It all depends on where you are when you start. Regardless, its a long game if you stay.