I can’t keep quiet anymore


IE boogeyman
Most of the cheap immigrant labor is in construction not farming. That is what families are for.
>family farms
Hey grandpa the dustbowl is over, mega agricorps with latifundia of slaves diverse immigrants workers do all the farming

Gee sure seems familiar from when I was studying history back in the day, wonder how that worked out before

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
>family farms
Hey grandpa the dustbowl is over, mega agricorps with latifundia of slaves diverse immigrants workers do all the farming

Gee sure seems familiar from when I was studying history back in the day, wonder how that worked out before
Not where I come from. The family farm is still the norm. Granted they have gotten a lot larger over the last 50 years. I understand in the East a family can make a decent living off of Tobacco on not too many acres.

PT Car Washer

Well-Known Member
>family farms
Hey grandpa the dustbowl is over, mega agricorps with latifundia of slaves diverse immigrants workers do all the farming

Gee sure seems familiar from when I was studying history back in the day, wonder how that worked out before
Son in law is working on a seed corn producing outfit. Thousands of acres but he never said anything about working with immigrants. I guess he would be the closest coming from Missouri. I don't hold it against him.


There really needs to be two different contracts. One for full timers and one for part timers. Part timers who will never have a career here shouldn’t have a say in our pensions, pay or other long term benefits. There’s not a company in the country that gives the part timers the health benefits that UPS does. That alone is worth 25k. They have nothing to complain about. The people I despise most in this world are the lazy cry babies that want a “living wage” for doing part time work an untrained monkey could do. You know why it’s called “living wage”? It’s not definable. Ask 100 people what living wage means and you’ll get 100 different answers.
Spoken like a UPS negotiator.

The company should not rely on poorly-paid PT work.