I can’t keep quiet anymore


Well-Known Member
Part time job used to be a stepping stone to a full-time job.
It used to be hard to get your foot inside the door.

Now it's hard to find people that want to work full time

It was hard to get your foot in the door because the pay was competitive and part timers received benefits. The pay is no longer competitive and the wait to receive benefits is astronomical.

UPS warehouse jobs used to be the highest paying in the industry with great benefits. Now it is the lowest paying in the industry with no benefits.
It was hard to get your foot in the door because the pay was competitive and part timers received benefits. The pay is no longer competitive and the wait to receive benefits is astronomical.

UPS warehouse jobs used to be the highest paying in the industry with great benefits. Now it is the lowest paying in the industry with no benefits.
How many other part time jobs offer a benefit package comparable to UPS?

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd

*cries in part time*


I don't understand why we are arguing for lower pay for a union brothers. Y'all are insane.
I would say this is the result of the IBT's compromise at the expense of PTers (and at the cost of demanding FT jobs) 4 decades ago. People learned to justify it. Two-tier pay scales benefit the company and divide the union.

Hell, I already see it with 22.4s. Recently I was talking with a driver less than 5 years from retirement. He laid into 22.4s, insisting they all were a bunch of traitors who would cross the picket line if we struck. This same fellow had less than 5 years seniority in 1997 and he didn't cross the picket line ...

Sissy Brown Short Shorts

Well-Known Member
It was hard to get your foot in the door because the pay was competitive and part timers received benefits. The pay is no longer competitive and the wait to receive benefits is astronomical.

UPS warehouse jobs used to be the highest paying in the industry with great benefits. Now it is the lowest paying in the industry with no benefits.
Last year the free market decided that warehouse labor was worth somewhere in the ballpark of 22$ an hour in my area as well as retention bonuses. UPS raised wages to meet demand. The demand fell off and the wages fell. Even at that rate the turnover was high and productivity was low. People simply don’t want to do that kind of work and it doesn’t matter how much you pay them. The people I want working there at the bottom are the ones that have an aspiration of working up and eat crap for a little bit to get there. God forbid anyone has to struggle anymore. Also they get the best benefits in the business. No other companies in the industry offer complete full and free medical, vision and dental insurance, with a pension, 401k , paid vacation, sick and personal days. Sure amazon gives you insurance day one, but I’d love to get a look at the benefits book. Probably costs them 10% of their weekly pay and doesn’t include anything other than major medical.


Inordinately Right
Again, this is not the kind of view that will make the Teamsters strong.

We do not want anyone "at the bottom" or "eating crap".
The problem of no one caring about part time workers isn't exclusive to UPS.

There's a reason all the bitching about getting a higher national minimum wage never goes anywhere, it just doesn't have public support. Teamsters didn't go out in 97 talking about getting part time employees 20 bucks an hour, they talked about getting them a real full time job.

More full time jobs can improve the situation of working conditions/long hours/6 day weeks. That is at least a worthwhile fight.


Well-Known Member
Amazon here starts at $20, insurance from day 1. And $2000 sign on bonus.

UPS here. $15/hr. No benefits for 9 months. Senior employees telling you how hard they had it in 1989.
To be fair, the majority of Amazon warehouse workers are full time. Does Amazon offer a pension?
If the Republicans had their way we all would be making $7.25/hr. Except for the overseers. $10/hr.
The problem with this is most landlords are Republicans. If everyone was making the federal minimum wage no one would be able to afford to live on their property.
How long is this astronomical wait?
Nine months. Not too long but if you get sick or injured off the job in that time frame you’re screwed.


I don’t understand this thread. We are all Teamsters, whether you’re chucking boxes part time or turning a wheel full time. Conflict between FT and PT’ers is not going to help us during contract negotiations. UPS can afford to pay everyone more, it doesn’t have to be one or the other. We all showed up to work during a pandemic, risking our lives while the corporates worked from home. UPS profited greatly during the pandemic because of us. They can share it with everyone.