I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
How many coops do not have rules? No coop bylaws? No board of directors/equivalent? They still have bosses and are following orders from the top down. Especially the European conglomerate you’ve touted before.
go look it up i dunno!

you can even tell me how much UPS profits off of you every hour, yet you talk about "good deals" all the time.

El Correcto

god is dead
what do you mean. america spends its taxes on war.


This doesn’t include all the welfare spending states do.


Well-Known Member
Be honest, are you just upset Trump is president? Did you feel this way with Barack?

I'll let you know, I used to have similar sentiments. I was a very anti-authoritarian, power to the people person. And there's some issues that I think the crowd should get to vote on, or if not, at least be able to build a meaningful referendum. That's just to tell govt representatives how the people feel, and also to keep them in check.
But probably, in the quarter of my life (I'm not that old btw), there is no way in hell I want some of these absolute worthless retards making government decisions. I mean, the politicians are bad enough. But, for example, I have a neighbor across the street from me. 42 years old, lives with his parents. Been arrested on minor drug offenses mostly, maybe a simple aggravated assault or three. Finally went to prison for 18 months on heroin possession. This was about 6 months before he got popped for selling MJ very close, but maybe not close enough to a school. He got a small fine for that. This guy probably couldn't divide 100 by 10. Has worked maybe a total of 4-5 years his entire life, been fired from every job. Gets all kinds of disability, unemployment, etc. Sure he can vote, but no way in hell am I willing to share my bread with this creature. And, honestly, around here, where I live, a good 30-40% of the people are equally as dumb and I won't say worthless, but truly unfit to handle the kind of responsibility it would take to have a direct democracy.

But I would like to see how federal, state, and local budgets would be affected if people were able to allocate portions of the taxes they pay to certain things like infrastructure, education, defense, foreign aid, etc. That'd be interesting.
yes i felt this way with obama; he was awful.

hey i agree with you, our information systems need a major overhaul. 5 corporations control 90% of all news in america. its news by the rich and it has an agenda which no surprise ultimately benefits them. but yea thats the problem with representative democracy is too much corruption, and its too centralized. ditto for capitalism.

they already to participatory budgets in some parts of america.

El Correcto

god is dead
im asking him how much do they profit off of your labor every hour.
Ricky you can always find things to criticize in a society. Some of the things you talk about are definitely true. It’s just a way of thinking about it you get hung up on all the bad and don’t give the good any merits. I agree with you life is unfair for a lot of people, but the amount of people that have been pushed into prosperity thanks to the best working system we could create, capitalism and a democratic republic. For all I know technology might truly lead the way to this utopia liberals want and our current system will need to change. Now isn’t the time though.


Well-Known Member
Ricky you can always find things to criticize in a society. Some of the things you talk about are definitely true. It’s just a way of thinking about it you get hung up on all the bad and don’t give the good any merits. I agree with you life is unfair for a lot of people, but the amount of people that have been pushed into prosperity thanks to the best working system we could create, capitalism and a democratic republic. For all I know technology might truly lead the way to this utopia liberals want and our current system will need to change. Now isn’t the time though.
yea i see your point too, but im saying we can / must do better. capitalism is destroying the planet. at least we could have an authoritarian economic system which is efficient.

coops are old ideas. nothing new.


Probably the Greatest American Alive
our current society and feudalism are having more and more in common by the day
See, by my estimation, people really aren't much better off or much worse than they were 1000 years ago. What's got you so squeamish? North Korea, Islamic Extremism, Shootings in America? It's all been done before. My grandmother, RIP, used to say, "Oh, the world's going to hell." And I'd say, "No, you're just watching too much TV. Pretty sure the mafia was shooting people in the streets all the daily. There were a dozen or airplane hijackings in the 50s and 60s. Nazis ravaged Europe, the Soviets were sending Cuba Missiles. Charles Manson is notoriously charismatic. There's a sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll era, followed by more war, more drugs, a war on drugs, AIDS...History is nothing more than a record of death, destruction, and decay. And we celebrate it. All of us.

You ever heard the joke about Good Friday? You think it was good for Jesus. You think he was yelling, "Thank God it's Friday," as nails were being driven into him


Well-Known Member
Zetkin’s analysis, eerily prophetic and reprinted in the book “Fighting Fascism: How to Struggle and How to Win,” edited by John Riddell and Mike Taber, highlights the principal features of emerging fascist movements. Fascism, Zetkin warned, arises when capitalism enters a period of crisis and breakdown of the democratic institutions that once offered the possibility of reform and protection from an uninhibited assault by the capitalist class. The unchecked capitalist assault pushes the middle class, the bulwark of a capitalist democracy, into the working class and often poverty. It strips workers of all protection and depresses wages. The longer the economic and social stagnation persists, the more attractive fascism becomes. Zetkin would have warned us that Donald Trump is not the danger; the danger is the growing social and economic inequality that concentrates wealth in the hands of an oligarchic elite and degrades the lives of citizens.

The collapse of a capitalist democracy, she wrote, leaves those in the working class disempowered. Their pleas go unheard. Reforms to address their suffering are cosmetic and useless. Their anger is written off as irrational or racist. A bankrupt liberal class, which formerly made incremental and piecemeal reform possible, ameliorating the worst excesses of capitalism, mouths empty slogans about social justice and the rights of workers while selling them out to capitalist elites. The hypocrisy of the liberal class evokes not only a disdain for it but a hatred for the liberal, democratic values it supposedly espouses. The “virtues” of democracy become distasteful. The crude taunts, threats and insults hurled by fascists at the liberal establishment express a legitimate anger among a betrayed working class. Trump’s coarseness, for this reason, resonates with many pushed to the margins of society. Demoralized workers, who also find no defense of their interests by establishment intellectuals, the press and academics, lose faith in the political process. Realizing the liberal elites have lied to them, they are open to bizarre and fantastic conspiracy theories. Fascists direct this rage and yearning for revenge against an array of phantom enemies, most of them scapegoated minorities. - hedges


Probably the Greatest American Alive
Zetkin’s analysis, eerily prophetic and reprinted in the book “Fighting Fascism: How to Struggle and How to Win,” edited by John Riddell and Mike Taber, highlights the principal features of emerging fascist movements. Fascism, Zetkin warned, arises when capitalism enters a period of crisis and breakdown of the democratic institutions that once offered the possibility of reform and protection from an uninhibited assault by the capitalist class. The unchecked capitalist assault pushes the middle class, the bulwark of a capitalist democracy, into the working class and often poverty. It strips workers of all protection and depresses wages. The longer the economic and social stagnation persists, the more attractive fascism becomes. Zetkin would have warned us that Donald Trump is not the danger; the danger is the growing social and economic inequality that concentrates wealth in the hands of an oligarchic elite and degrades the lives of citizens.

The collapse of a capitalist democracy, she wrote, leaves those in the working class disempowered. Their pleas go unheard. Reforms to address their suffering are cosmetic and useless. Their anger is written off as irrational or racist. A bankrupt liberal class, which formerly made incremental and piecemeal reform possible, ameliorating the worst excesses of capitalism, mouths empty slogans about social justice and the rights of workers while selling them out to capitalist elites. The hypocrisy of the liberal class evokes not only a disdain for it but a hatred for the liberal, democratic values it supposedly espouses. The “virtues” of democracy become distasteful. The crude taunts, threats and insults hurled by fascists at the liberal establishment express a legitimate anger among a betrayed working class. Trump’s coarseness, for this reason, resonates with many pushed to the margins of society. Demoralized workers, who also find no defense of their interests by establishment intellectuals, the press and academics, lose faith in the political process. Realizing the liberal elites have lied to them, they are open to bizarre and fantastic conspiracy theories. Fascists direct this rage and yearning for revenge against an array of phantom enemies, most of them scapegoated minorities. - hedges

I knew you were a Trumpophile!


Probably the Greatest American Alive
america was going down hill long before he came to power; including of course democrats.

For blue collar workers for sure. But the world as a whole is dealing with a social-technological evolution that kind of throws a wrench into the wheel of stability. Kind of how Gutenberg's printing press throw Europe into upheaval as access to literature and information dissemination spread. The ideas put into the minds of the formerly ignorant and obedient suddenly started rising up and overthrowing their rulers.


Well-Known Member
they talk about the deindustrialization of america and detroit specifically. in detroit theres all kinds of corporate welfare for the red wings, and meanwhile parents are told to pack their kids with toilet paper when they go to school...
