I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
I knew it, cyborg!


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about?

you said peak FIRE as a % of gdp was not 2009, which my article said it was.

whats your point?
You didn’t post an article. I guess US peak FIRE could have been 2009 after all the dust settled. And since other sectors declined. But It was, in fact the time to buy. So In comparison, are you saying now is the time to buy the Canadian market? FIRE is just a poor metric. You are disregarding dozen of numbers that do apply.


Well-Known Member
You didn’t post an article. I guess US peak FIRE could have been 2009 after all the dust settled. And since other sectors declined. But It was, in fact the time to buy. So In comparison, are you saying now is the time to buy the Canadian market? FIRE is just a poor metric. You are disregarding dozen of numbers that do apply.
FIRE could be one indication and i never suggested buying into canadian housing, especially not now.

so now you agree 2009 could have been peak FIRE as my graph suggested?


Well-Known Member
FIRE could be one indication and i never suggested buying into canadian housing, especially not now.

so now you agree 2009 could have been peak FIRE as my graph suggested?
FIRE indidicates what?

Your graph indicates nothing. The comments suggest that ca FIRE is above US peak FIRE. That’s all.

Why compare the graph to the US at the time of a red hit buy. And then say it’s not comparable.

Why not look at the invidual data itself? You can get real numbers that way.


Well-Known Member
FIRE indidicates what?

Your graph indicates nothing. The comments suggest that ca FIRE is above US peak FIRE. That’s all.

Why compare the graph to the US at the time of a red hit buy. And then say it’s not comparable.

Why not look at the invidual data itself? You can get real numbers that way.
what are you talking about. i think its comical were arguing about this.

all i said is i want another layoff when the recession hits canada and our FIRE sector as a % of gdp is bigger than US in 09.


Well-Known Member
hey next financial crisis (or even right now, why not?) america (and probably canada too) can start hiring people so it can have an actual decent justice system!!!

a guilty plea doesnt mean guilt btw ;):

The students I teach in prison who have the longest sentences are, almost without exception, the ones who demanded a jury trial. If everyone charged with a crime had a jury trial, the court system would implode. Prosecutors, defense attorneys and judges use those who insist on a jury trial—often people who did not commit the crime with which they were charged—as examples. Their sentences, frequently life sentences, are grim reminders as to why it is in the best interests of a defendant, even if he or she did not commit the crime, to take a plea agreement. Ninety-four percent of state-level felony convictions and 97 percent of federal felony convictions are the result of guilty pleas. And studies by groups such as Human Rights Watch confirm the punitive nature of jury trials: Those who go to jury trials get an addition 11 years, on average, tacked on to their sentences. The rich get high-priced lawyers and lengthy jury trials. The poor are shipped directly to jail or prison.


Well-Known Member
The richest families in Florence in 1427 are still the richest families in Florence

comical social mobility. in teh article UK and china also have the same issue. i think america has some of the worst social mobility of developed countries.:

Comparing the family wealth to those with the same surname today, they suggest the richest families in Florence 600 years ago remain the same now. “The top earners among the current taxpayers were found to have already been at the top of the socioeconomic ladder six centuries ago,”


Well-Known Member
The richest families in Florence in 1427 are still the richest families in Florence

comical social mobility. in teh article UK and china also have the same issue. i think america has some of the worst social mobility of developed countries.:

Comparing the family wealth to those with the same surname today, they suggest the richest families in Florence 600 years ago remain the same now. “The top earners among the current taxpayers were found to have already been at the top of the socioeconomic ladder six centuries ago,”
That’s why you’re being left behind. Worrying about 600 years of a family’s wealth.

Meanwhile Netflix has yielded 65% since the beginning of the year.


Well-Known Member
That bothered you that much?

It happens with such regularity, I'm just not sure if he's doing it on purpose, to be ironic, or if he just sucks at typing.

There's a reason for the 'teh' meme, it came out of poor typists.

Doesn't bother me, I'm just curious.

The thought of me being bothered bothered you so much that you bothered to respond?


Well-Known Member
It happens with such regularity, I'm just not sure if he's doing it on purpose, to be ironic, or if he just sucks at typing.

There's a reason for the 'teh' meme, it came out of poor typists.

Doesn't bother me, I'm just curious.

The thought of me being bothered bothered you so much that you bothered to respond?
to quote eminem "i still dont give a :censored2:"


Well-Known Member
o so i bought these headphones which i ended up not wanting, and anyways the shipping was $90 from here to china, so i was asking for a partial refund and the company was going cheap.

so i was pissed so i made an amazon account and completely bashed these headphones all over their page in the user reviews and questions section. i also did 3 youtube videos on them.

well now at the very end theyve almost quadrupled their partial refund offer which is more than what i was asking.

so its proof you can have fun bashing corporations and get paid for it.


Well-Known Member
o so i bought these headphones which i ended up not wanting, and anyways the shipping was $90 from here to china, so i was asking for a partial refund and the company was going cheap.

so i was :censored2: so i made an amazon account and completely bashed these headphones all over their page in the user reviews and questions section. i also did 3 youtube videos on them.

well now at the very end theyve almost quadrupled their partial refund offer which is more than what i was asking.

so its proof you can have fun bashing corporations and get paid for it.
So proud of you

Operational needs

Virescit Vulnere Virtus
o so i bought these headphones which i ended up not wanting, and anyways the shipping was $90 from here to china, so i was asking for a partial refund and the company was going cheap.

so i was :censored2: so i made an amazon account and completely bashed these headphones all over their page in the user reviews and questions section. i also did 3 youtube videos on them.

well now at the very end theyve almost quadrupled their partial refund offer which is more than what i was asking.

so its proof you can have fun bashing corporations and get paid for it.