I drink your milkshake! a metaphor for capitalism


Well-Known Member
You don't have a problem with people slaughtering each other, just U.S. intervention? How dare we be the world's policeman!
"world's policeman" isnt an accurate description because that implies US is upholding the law worldwide. just the opposite is happening.

US intervention means people slaughtering each other.


Inordinately Right
OK, show me where America is forcibly taking resources from other countries?
Destroy a country then offer to"help" them rebuild it by pillaging their natural resources and letting them keep a portion of the profits. Ya technically that's not "forcibly taking".

For anyone with a conscience it's the same thing. Not surprised you don't see it that way.
Destroy a country then offer to"help" them rebuild it by pillaging their natural resources and letting them keep a portion of the profits. Ya technically that's not "forcibly taking".

For anyone with a conscience it's the same thing. Not surprised you don't see it that way.
We got so much money back for helping Iraq.....
Let them all blow each other up and gas will be 50¢ a gallon and our troops won't get killed.


Well-Known Member
Destroy a country then offer to"help" them rebuild it by pillaging their natural resources and letting them keep a portion of the profits. Ya technically that's not "forcibly taking".

For anyone with a conscience it's the same thing. Not surprised you don't see it that way.
OK, show me where we're pillaging? You said it, back it up? Because everyone knows we got huge resources from Vietnam, Korea, Panama, Dominica, Cuba, the Philippines, Japan, Iraq, Mexico,....this is laughable.


Inordinately Right
I was giving the. Fluff version answer here.
Fluff version needs a gif.


Well-Known Member
OK, show me where we're pillaging? You said it, back it up? Because everyone knows we got huge resources from Vietnam, Korea, Panama, Dominica, Cuba, the Philippines, Japan, Iraq, Mexico,....this is laughable.
its resources for big corporations. alot of countries do it. you even said china does it.