I lost my truck today.


Retired 23 years
You old guys need to go easy on the kid. I know for a fact some of you old bastards have forgot where you've packed the car at the mall. Cough ( @rod @Future @Old Man Jingles ) cough.

I miss-placed clip boards, DIADS and 2 wheel carts but I can't say I ever lost a truck. I take that back. A fellow driver moved mine around a corner in town one day as a joke. I always left the key in it so it was easy for him to do. And yes I got my butt chewed out on more than one occasion for leaving the key in it. I only heard of one DIAD being lost - forever. That was by a supervisor delivering stuff and he left it somewhere at the Mall. It was never found.


Well-Known Member
Could you imagine being on campus and the UPS guy is just standing there holding his hat and scratching his head, looking around dazed and confused, “Y’all seena big ol brown truck round hurr???”


Well-Known Member
I’d like to know how you had 40 minutes to find your truck when I didn’t have time to take a leak

Under staffed and over dispatched isn’t your problem.

Work at a safe pace and follow the methods. You end up with more OT and less wear on body from the lighter impact getting out of truck. If you don’t want the excessive OT, get on 9.5 list. More people on 9.5 = more drivers and union dues to help pensions.

Send a message in around 16:00 if you’re going to ‘need help’ and they’ll send one of the runners that don’t know any better.

15-18 stops per hour average over the day is what guys here aim for depending on how rural or tight the route is.

Union doesn’t recognize any production standards/goals, use the methods to your advantage. ‘Safety #1’ and that’s the first thing for ‘working as directed’ like they always spew.

Rack em

Made the Podium
Never lost an entire freaking package car before but I have forgotten to grab my hard cart at a stop. The Fedex ground guy working in my area that day drove up to me asking "Are you missing anything." At that point I didn't know I had left my hand cart so I had no idea what he was talking about. Then he wheeled my hand cart out from his cargo area and I felt/looked like an idiot.