I opened my big mouth to the wrong person!!!!!!!!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Seriously wizard, and other people on here, speaking of business casual, was your sup a woman? (see other thread) Aside from that, not even to metion the fact that he may or may not have been taking hourly work, he was not in proper attire. That would have been my concern. See him go to jump off the toe motor and catch his little flip flop on a peddle, and he would have been run over by the provervial bus.
someone who is trained to teach safety needs to practice it. Someone who is fighting for hourly rights as in "the steward" should not need anyone to blame, he should be big enough to handle this situation without even going to anyone above him. If he cant he needs to get thrown under the bus.
Being new is hard, having this kind of crap happen because you did the right thing is crap. Screw them, they were wrong, you were right, hold your head high, If they dont have the gonads to stand up to a sup, on a negotiated part of a union contract, or a UPS safety policy, then they do not have the balls to threaten you, or carry it out, other than stare you down.
Ive never seen it said at any safety meetings business casual on Saturdays, wear your toga and sandals. How stupid.


yep grow some .. tell the shop steward to grow some too. He should have been standing up and proudly proclaiming that he made the call because he cares about safety and expects leadership by example.


Well-Known Member
I just wonder how this might affect his career in general. Maybe some of the folks with some tremendous experience and great track records can provide some helpful suggestions (as some already have). Are his fears of retaliation valid? If so, what can he do? Once word spreads, how will others view him? What can he do to build ally's and avoid confrontation?

I can understand his concerns...I'm always getting in trouble for my opinions :)

Why would he change jobs and build allys? He should try to gain the trust and respect of other people instead.:tongue_sm


Well-Known Member
The shop steward is stupid!!! And your local is even stupid-er!! This will soon be forgotten and too bad that you have a bad impression of a union and what it can do for you. Sorry.


Life is a Highway...
You opened that door and now you have to deal with the consequences....

Look out for the Horses head under the sheets or the fish wrapped in newspaper....or get into the Witness Protection Program .


Well-Known Member
I may have tunnel vision and hope I don't offend anyone here but...

There seems to be two types of people who last at UPS. One type stands their ground, refuses to lower their standardes and handles the consequences.

The others are snakes.


Well-Known Member
oops, forgot the third type. They're the ones who start driving, get married, have children and take on the mortgage of a nice home. Once they get tied down to this they are at the mercy of the company.

I've talked to some of them who truly hate driving for UPS and have been beaten down by the system but cannot make the same money and benefits elsewhere.

I don't consider them snakes and hope they can find a way to escape before the b*st*rds where them down to a stub.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I polluted thes thread. Had a real bad day yesterday at the hole and stood up for my rights.

Used to be mostly college students and other hard workers at my center. They have been hiring some real weeners who never graduated high school, can't read (reason for PAS?) and seem intent on lowering the standers all around.

I refuse to budge and am pretty vocal about my opinions. Pay the price on a regular basis and fear I wont' make it until retirement. I'm tired of fighting, real tired.


Well-Known Member
I think a lot of people had bad days yesterday DW. Why is it Fridays are always a joke, but make it a Friday before a holiday weekend and it is twice as bad. I actually ran out of hours last week and had to be off by 5:00- It's August for Christ's sake.


Staff member
Can't believe your steward won't take responsibilty (or credit) for his own actions! I think you should tell every driver in the center this story.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
I think that Wizard works for UPS Cartage, which used to be Menlo. We have a UPS Cartage down the street from my Hub, and they were organized about a year ago by IBT Local 728. His Shop Steward is probably new at that position, but his Local's Business Agent and President should know better.


Staff member
He may be new, but his willingness to lie down, and let another man bear the burden for his actions says a lot about him. I would want a stand up guy for my shop steward, not one who wants to shoot from the shadows.


Agent of Change
I think a lot of people had bad days yesterday DW.

Yeah, the "Bad Day" crossed the Mississippi, Grunt. I pulled a double last night and the sort I was working on was lit up all over the HUB. Belt shut offs, no-shows and call-ins rampant on EVERY belt. I was unloading and it takes me a few minutes--usually about 20-30-- to get into a groove. I never got there. I was shut-off every 10 minutes all night long AND had people--p/t hourly AND p/t management--talking smack. Within an hour of sort start, I lost patience with the words "shut it off." Everytime they'd shut me off, I'd come out of the container and smack talk the sorters. They didn't like that :lol::lol:. I had a supe sort me and found myself idle in seconds. I came to the rear of the trailer and made a comment to him about his speed. He bellowed, "BACK IN YOUR TRAILER!!!!" His full-timer walked by and asked, "WHY are you off??" I gestured to the aisle and answered, "Ask your ALL-STAR sort aisle supe." The guy laughed and I got yelled at AGAIN by his p/t supe. -Rocky


Well-Known Member

You're only human, and open mouth/insert foot is a human condition. Hey, some of us can actually insert an entire shoe store while we're at it. Sometimes it's only Aisle 6 at K Mart; sometimes it's the entire Nike distribution center.

It happens, and it will become an acquired taste. I , for one, find it goes well with Fava Beans and Chianti... :shifty:


promoted to mediocrity
Anyone know where I can get those sturdy work flip-flops, with non-slip soles and good support? I can't seem to keep mine in good condition.:lol:


Active Member
Well the situation is over, I got the president of our local on phone and he said he was a bit upset. And said that if he thought i did this with intent to harm my shop steward that he would come down there and read me the riot act. I asked then how would you of liked me to handle this, his resopnse was i should of told my sup yeah I told the union you were operating fork lifts so what ar eyou gonna do about it. So there ya go i did tell my steward in no way shape or form did mean to harm him but i kinda grew up with what i was taught by my parents wich is to tell the truth. My sup did tell me that he did file a report about my steward yelling and screaming in my face and telling me to get out of my truck. This would be the 3rd time a report like this has been filed against him the other 2 by other employees that he screamed and tried to intimidate. My new policy from here on in wich i started today and had a great day. 1. mind my own business 2. smile and nod and pretend you like everyone 3. go to work punch in ounch out and thats it. I would like to thank all of the poeple here who responded with good help and words. I do apologize for saying i wish ups would of never bought us i was just mad at the time. I still dont understand why the union wants me to hate my supervisor he hasnt done anything bad to me yet?


Well-Known Member
...My new policy from here on in wich i started today and had a great day. 1. mind my own business 2. smile and nod and pretend you like everyone 3. go to work punch in ounch out and thats it...

There ya go wizard! Darned shame we have to leave our standards at the door and play the game their way but it's often the only way. Hang in there and things will get better. They'll soon forget all about it and start picking on someone else.