Seriously wizard, and other people on here, speaking of business casual, was your sup a woman? (see other thread) Aside from that, not even to metion the fact that he may or may not have been taking hourly work, he was not in proper attire. That would have been my concern. See him go to jump off the toe motor and catch his little flip flop on a peddle, and he would have been run over by the provervial bus.
someone who is trained to teach safety needs to practice it. Someone who is fighting for hourly rights as in "the steward" should not need anyone to blame, he should be big enough to handle this situation without even going to anyone above him. If he cant he needs to get thrown under the bus.
Being new is hard, having this kind of crap happen because you did the right thing is crap. Screw them, they were wrong, you were right, hold your head high, If they dont have the gonads to stand up to a sup, on a negotiated part of a union contract, or a UPS safety policy, then they do not have the balls to threaten you, or carry it out, other than stare you down.
Ive never seen it said at any safety meetings business casual on Saturdays, wear your toga and sandals. How stupid.
someone who is trained to teach safety needs to practice it. Someone who is fighting for hourly rights as in "the steward" should not need anyone to blame, he should be big enough to handle this situation without even going to anyone above him. If he cant he needs to get thrown under the bus.
Being new is hard, having this kind of crap happen because you did the right thing is crap. Screw them, they were wrong, you were right, hold your head high, If they dont have the gonads to stand up to a sup, on a negotiated part of a union contract, or a UPS safety policy, then they do not have the balls to threaten you, or carry it out, other than stare you down.
Ive never seen it said at any safety meetings business casual on Saturdays, wear your toga and sandals. How stupid.