We’ll I’m not drawing from mine for at least another few years and I’m 57. I’m thinking 62 when I start SS. Owe less than 10K on the house and only have the wife’s 4Runner to pay off in less than a year.
Bad idea to take SS at 62.
You lose 1/3 of your amount if you waited until FRA. { Full Retirement Age }
Once taken out your amount is fixed for life. { Only option to increase it is to repay all funds back to SS within one year after starting to collect }
I'm waiting until I hit 70 to collect. { I'll be getting around $900+ extra a month, over FRA }
I'm getting by from just the pension and taking out around $20,000/year from the 401K to have some extra spending money for the year.
If you are someone who follows the breakeven charts { taking at 62 vs waiting to age 70 } then you are very mistaken.
SS isn't an investment, it's insurance that you will be receiving, no matter what.
And it would be wise to treat it as such.