if you are always to do what they say and work off the clock...why do you clock in???? why dont they call you in to work preload???huh??? translation to english sorry
one of the first things you need to know before you spout off on a subject, is what you said before on other threads. You said " I know the contract".... but in the above post, you clearly DONT. Start times and end shift times are two totally different subjects.
First, to your question in the above post. Start times cannot be "called in" and changed for the employee without a given 24 hour notice. So, they cannot call you in and order you in to work preload. They can ASK you to come in and work preload, but that rate is at 1 1/2 times your regular rate of pay per hour for every hour before your posted start time.
Now, this work, must be offered to seniority people first working its way down the ladder of seniority, and not the other way around, or a grievance could be filed by a seniority driver for a violation of seniority.
In the PM, the poster who asked the question does not make clear his standing on seniority ( top, bottom , middle) and you CANT make a judgement on his case without this fact. If he is the LOW MAN at the time, guess what, he goes back out, thats the agreement in the contract. The IBT has sanctioned this practice of seniority.
There are no questions asked. The contract is clear on this issue, "
seniority shall prevail in all aspects of the daily operation, and seniority shall be given prime consideration in the everyday operation of the business".
This means the PM. Whether or not the employee punched out in hopes of avoiding continuing service means nothing. If he is LOW MAN, he goes back out or gets fired. A LOW MAN will NEVER force out a senior man in the PM. Period.
Now, if there were an emergency, or a situation where a single dad needed to pick up his child from school or some mitigating circumstance that would prevent the person from going back out, then thats something that falls onto the operators and not something we fight out amongst ourselves.
You have to know the contract first Carharrell before you make yourself sound foolish. Just ask moreluck.