If rioters stopped your package car


Well-Known Member
just oil that cop up and throw him out the truck in the middle of the city and it is what it is.

if looters want my truck they can have it. if they surround it and try to attack me i running them down screw them i was in fear of my life. some one will have the video 'm sure of it everyone has a camera phone now a days.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
Would you get out and help roll it over?? Also, which side would be easier to start the roll??

Asking for a friend.
I'm at the library. Not a rioter in sight. The all fled like Frankenstein was chasing them when they saw the sign.

Netsua 3:16

Different but hardly independent. The guy the family paid.
Ya and the glove doesn't fit.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Different but hardly independent. The guy the family paid.
I really doubt the family paid but yes the family wanted another autopsy.

I’m not saying the new one is in no way biased but we’re supposed to believe the original done by someone that has worked with these cops for how long? Wasn’t biased either?


Full Service
I'm glad he's dead.
Sorry you're butthurt over that dreg.
I pray no one you love is a victim of the type of heinous crimes he committed.

I'm not butthurt. I'm saddened over the loss of decency in this nation. Even if Mr Floyd was guilty of trying to use a fake $20 to purchase cigarettes, he did not deserve death. No trial, no jury, no presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. Instead, killed on the street for the world to see.

I stand for law and order. As a black man I do not support crimes, looting, burning, destruction of property. I also see, live, how that could easily be me or someone I love.

The pain you see manifesting itself all over this world has been going on for decades, centuries. The oppression of classes or groups of people still remain today, even after slavery has ended. This deep seeded hatred, intolerance, indifference to fellow human beings is heart breaking. This pain that has been endured even before my lifetime is rearing its ugly head once again.

You have a group of people that have systematically been kept down for years. With nothing left, no jobs, 41 million unemployed, cities shut down due to the virus, racism is alive and well. I've even been at work, in my browns, delivering PPE to the police station itself, wearing the required mask, to have a white officer "joke" Oh I thought you were here to rob us. This from the ones assigned to protect and serve the community. I live with the uneasiness of whether I'm at work or off, to have police look at me as if I'm a criminal. To have the fear that if I make the slightest error, that could be my life or freedom.

So yes, those things do break my heart. To hear those like yourself, rejoicing at the death of a human being, regardless of what crimes he may have committed in the past, is disheartening.


Inordinately Right
I'm not butthurt. I'm saddened over the loss of decency in this nation. Even if Mr Floyd was guilty of trying to use a fake $20 to purchase cigarettes, he did not deserve death. No trial, no jury, no presumption of innocence until PROVEN guilty in a court of law. Instead, killed on the street for the world to see.

I stand for law and order. As a black man I do not support crimes, looting, burning, destruction of property. I also see, live, how that could easily be me or someone I love.

The pain you see manifesting itself all over this world has been going on for decades, centuries. The oppression of classes or groups of people still remain today, even after slavery has ended. This deep seeded hatred, intolerance, indifference to fellow human beings is heart breaking. This pain that has been endured even before my lifetime is rearing its ugly head once again.

You have a group of people that have systematically been kept down for years. With nothing left, no jobs, 41 million unemployed, cities shut down due to the virus, racism is alive and well. I've even been at work, in my browns, delivering PPE to the police station itself, wearing the required mask, to have a white officer "joke" Oh I thought you were here to rob us. This from the ones assigned to protect and serve the community. I live with the uneasiness of whether I'm at work or off, to have police look at me as if I'm a criminal. To have the fear that if I make the slightest error, that could be my life or freedom.

So yes, those things do break my heart. To hear those like yourself, rejoicing at the death of a human being, regardless of what crimes he may have committed in the past, is disheartening.
Victimhood is a mental illness.
Thoughts and prayers.


Full Service
I'm still glad he's dead.
Maybe you should pray harder?
It's not my job to change your heart. That's above me. But I can speak to righteousness and justice. I can speak to not rejoicing in the death, excuse me, killing of a presumed criminal.

I rejoice in that at least there is a dialogue with you. That means however small the crack may be, the light can find its way into your heart. That means there is still hope for you. I've put the call out to my heavenly father, He is more than capable of handling you. We reap what we sow. I choose to sow love, peace, togetherness. Apparently your results vary vastly. Sad face. I'll await your "funny" response.


Well-Known Member
Stop package car and message center that there will be a delay. Wait for protesters to finish and soak up the extra overtime.


Full Service
Hey, remember when police shot and killed an innocent UPS driver, and protests and rioting broke out across the country demanding justice?

Ya, me either.
Yes I remember Frank's killing. I was saddened as well. But Frank wasn't dealing with systemic racism on top of being hijacked. Layers man. Certainly you can comprehend that, right?


Well-Known Member
Curious, were you there? What happened all the way through? How did it get to that point? Ever been a cop? Never hear these questions being asked. Now, am I justifying what happened? Absolutely not. Just asking questions. And the suspect, if he says "you are hurting me(lol), do you let him up to get another shot at you? So, murder has a time limit? Wow. So, how did the victim/suspect(whatever) get there. He was just standing there and poof the cops showed up and killed him?

It was definitely excessive force but what the hell was that guy thinking not following direction from a cop? If he just did as he was told he'd still be alive, but you give cops a hard time and eventually your going to piss one off enough to the point where his knee will be on your neck. And I don't think its racism, the guy just messed with the wrong cop.