If rioters stopped your package car


I work for teamsters, UPS contracted me
Yes by Baden a well know fraudster an ally to slip and fall lawyers.

Please read the report, I even made it easy for you and quoted the article. Yes by him, than the state medical examiner also concluded the same findings after finishing the complete medical report


I work for teamsters, UPS contracted me
The cop restraining him was probably negligent but no way it reaches the level of murder 1 they are starting to call for. If the DA over charges he might walk off scot free.

Completely agree. I don't believe its murder. I would say manslaughter.


I work for teamsters, UPS contracted me
I don’t even agree with that.
I think the cop did best he could with onlookers becoming hostile and a big drugged up criminal resisting.

The guy was cuffed, on the ground surrounded by 5 officers. What more does he need to protect himself?


I work for teamsters, UPS contracted me
Go out there and subdue a drugged up 200lb violent criminal with violent gun priors and get back to me on what is acceptable to do.

The guy was clearly unarmed if he was subdued already. You're telling me 5 grown men fully trained can't handle 1 man whose handcuffed on the ground, on his stomach?

El Correcto

god is dead
The guy was clearly unarmed if he was subdued already. You're telling me 5 grown men fully trained can't handle 1 man whose handcuffed on the ground, on his stomach?
Oh yeah I forgot, add in a bunch of crybabies causing a scene filming you and shouting at you while being a white guy in the ghetto.

El Correcto

god is dead
I’ve been arrested before.
This man did everything wrong, he was talking to the police and resisting.
When you get arrested you sit down, shut the :censored2: up and listen. You go to jail and continue to do this, the only time you should be speaking is to plead not guilty at your arraignment and then to go straight to your lawyer.
It’s very simple and there’s a good chance you’ll walk away without a criminal record even if you’re guilty.

Ghost in the Darkness

Well-Known Member
I wonder what the woman who was assaulted, home was invaded, robbed, and threatened at gunpoint by the man and his group of accomplices feels about this whole situation... the man's criminal history, his arrest and treatment dury detainment that led to his death, the riots and looting and murders that ensued as a result.

clean hairy

Well-Known Member
Put it to the test.
Have a person put their knee on the neck of the cop for 9 minutes and see if he dies or not.
Be ineresting to find out....


Inordinately Right
Put it to the test.
Have a person put their knee on the neck of the cop for 9 minutes and see if he dies or not.
Be ineresting to find out....
George Floyd death: High school wrestling coach's mocking post | Daily Mail Online



You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Apparently a knee in the suspects neck until the situation was controlled
There’s problems with that.

every cop I’ve talked to says the knee never goes there. Between the shoulder blades if needed

2) the situation was obviously under control when the man lost consciousness. There’s no excuse for not getting off the man at that point.

El Correcto

god is dead
There’s problems with that.

every cop I’ve talked to says the knee never goes there. Between the shoulder blades if needed

2) the situation was obviously under control when the man lost consciousness. There’s no excuse for not getting off the man at that point.
Minneapolis disagrees, they allow neck holds to be placed on suspects.

El Correcto

god is dead
It’s not “mocking” at all.
I’ve been saying this. The knee was not on his windpipe, it wasn’t crushing his Adam’s apple, the knee wasn’t why he felt like he couldn’t breathe. I have a feeling the fentanyl had something to do with that. All opiates will repress your breathing it’s how those idiots that drink a gallon of codeine syrup die.

El Correcto

god is dead
I’ve seen heroine overdoses in person, the people become unresponsive and their lips will even have a light blue hue to them. They just quit breathing, in a state of semi-consciousness.