If rioters stopped your package car


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Really? Ever watch cops? My experience(watching recorded TV)(Cops) is that they have them sit down as quick as possible and stay there, legs crossed etc. Long time. Like nearly the whole segment. And when they resist, sick the dogs etc. Ever seen that? That's on 24/7. Interesting...no?
Up as in not laying chest down.


I work for teamsters, UPS contracted me
It does. I agree to some of what you say. Lot's of it is opinion and conjecture filled with what ifs. Which means exactly...nothing. I'll use the analogy again(sigh), imagine a room full of you's at your Panel Hearing. And perhaps(let's conjecture and speculate) that you defended yourself from say a customer and he got hurt/died whatever although he was in a drunken rage/high etc. But then all that extraneous stuff before didn't matter? Oh, and he was in poor health.

I understand what you're saying. I'm just using the evidence brought to me by one video. In the beginning 5 cops, 1 compeltly restrained suspect. By the end of the video, 5 cops and 1 dead suspect. Nothing changed. That's really the point. At what point as an officer do you look around and say okay, let's move on, get him in the car and take him to processing?

If Floyd had died in the cruiser or at the station, this is a different conversation. But the fact that he died under the knee of an officer makes it political, and dumb on the officers part. The job was not done properly.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I understand what you're saying. I'm just using the evidence brought to me by one video. In the beginning 5 cops, 1 compeltly restrained suspect. By the end of the video, 5 cops and 1 dead suspect. Nothing changed. That's really the point. At what point as an officer do you look around and say okay, let's move on, get him in the car and take him to processing?

If Floyd had died in the cruiser or at the station, this is a different conversation. But the fact that he died under the knee of an officer makes it political, and dumb on the officers part. The job was not done properly.

Hey, mostly agree. Great points. Bravo.


I work for teamsters, UPS contracted me
Ok. But now that depends, yes? On lot's of variables/scenarios etc. Surely we can agree to that, right? And we could agree that hornery ones get extra "attention". Cooperative ones sit on the curb, true.

In a perfect world, yes. But just look at articles for the last ten years. How often does a speeding ticket lead to killed by cop. Or even just a few months ago, cops stormed a vehicle stuck in the middle of high traffic, shot at it and killed not only the suspects, but the driver and other bystanders minding their business in traffic. Thats what happened to our union brother. Officers need more accountability. Need to be smarter, make smarter decisions. Its getting way out of hand

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
In a perfect world, yes. But just look at articles for the last ten years. How often does a speeding ticket lead to killed by cop. Or even just a few months ago, cops stormed a vehicle stuck in the middle of high traffic, shot at it and killed not only the suspects, but the driver and other bystanders minding their business in traffic. Btw thats what happened to pur union brother. Officers need more accountability. Need to be smarter, make smarter decisions. Its getting way out of hand

Ok. Yep, things go awry. Almost always can be better.


Well-Known Member
Manslaughter is typically accidental, yes? Third degree murder is similar but probably warranted when the action that led to the death had less to do with an accident/chance and more with depraved behavior. As reasonable people, those who witnessed and were capturing video of what was happening where telling the officer he was killing the guy. He should have seen that and cared about it too. He didn’t. Third degree murder.
Murder is normally premeditated correct ? I don't think he meant to kill him but he did. Cops hear people crying all the time "I can't breath " , "these cuffs are too tight " blah blah. They hear it all. Now again I don't agree with what he did but I totally understand how he can become desensitized to it.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Ok. But now that depends, yes? On lot's of variables/scenarios etc. Surely we can agree to that, right? And we could agree that ornery ones get extra "attention". Cooperative ones sit on the curb, true.
That assumes there’s no d bag cops and they all do the right thing right? Which we know isn’t true.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Murder is normally premeditated correct ? I don't think he meant to kill him but he did. Cops hear people crying all the time "I can't breath " , "these cuffs are too tight " blah blah. They hear it all. Now again I don't agree with what he did but I totally understand how he can become desensitized to it.
No murder 1 is premeditated.


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
For the next couple of weeks the UPS brand will be targeted, the criminal element in the major cities will use these protests as a golden opportunity to snatch and run. I hope that plans are in effect for our drivers to keep off the streets in the affected areas and get back to the building before dark. Everybody remembers the last couple of hi-jackings and the outcome of the last one.

Netsua 3:16

For the next couple of weeks the UPS brand will be targeted, the criminal element in the major cities will use these protests as a golden opportunity to snatch and run. I hope that plans are in effect for our drivers to keep off the streets in the affected areas and get back to the building before dark. Everybody remembers the last couple of hi-jackings and the outcome of the last one.
100% agree, we need curfews this week, now’s not the time for UPS’s inhumane bs. They can go back to slamming us next week. Let the Amazon trailers stack, it will all get delivered

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I think more drivers will secretly be packing heat than normal. Might be a gun. Maybe a knife. Pepper spray. Some have sharp sticks or other objects planted in their trucks already and have for years. Mainly for dogs. Some of us aren’t willing to risk bodily harm or death and will gladly risk our jobs to try and avoid both. Simply handing the keys to the truck over to thugs and expecting them to always let you go on your merry way is delusional. You have to be ready for when they aren’t content with looting the truck.


Staff member
I think more drivers will secretly be packing heat than normal. Might be a gun. Maybe a knife. Pepper spray. Some have sharp sticks or other objects planted in their trucks already and have for years. Mainly for dogs. Some of us aren’t willing to risk bodily harm or death and will gladly risk our jobs to try and avoid both. Simply handing the keys to the truck over to thugs and expecting them to always let you go on your merry way is delusional. You have to be ready for when they aren’t content with looting the truck.
Lol. Keeping a Diad 4 in the back of your truck?


Allergic to cardboard.
I think more drivers will secretly be packing heat than normal. Might be a gun. Maybe a knife. Pepper spray. Some have sharp sticks or other objects planted in their trucks already and have for years. Mainly for dogs. Some of us aren’t willing to risk bodily harm or death and will gladly risk our jobs to try and avoid both. Simply handing the keys to the truck over to thugs and expecting them to always let you go on your merry way is delusional. You have to be ready for when they aren’t content with looting the truck.
I’m guessing a bow and arrow would be a bad idea...