Interesting Article - UPS Facts


Well-Known Member
The very thought of being forced on permanent disablity scares the living hell out of me, seen and heard too many horror stories. The standard policy of "no accommondations" appears to be a loophole for any company to get rid of it's aging, hurting workforce. If anybody that has worked anytime with the work requirements and standards at UPS can testify making it to a full retirement without something going physically wrong is slowly becoming a pipe dream. That is why it is so important to have the option of at least a 25 and out early retirement package in place, being forced to work to age 60 and older would be bordering on abuse. If this problem is not fixed the only winners will be the disability attorneys.:crying:


Life is a Highway...
I dunno....makes you wonder if a High Profile company like UPS would divulge statistical information like this. I think this is dis-information at its finest!


Well-Known Member
Not one thing on that website surprised or shocked me in any way. The real question is how do the people making these kinds of decisions look themselves in the mirror every morning? ...

$$$$$$$ Nice mirror in a nice home with a nice car and nice retirement in future


What the hell is YOUPS??
Are you one of the over stressed alcoholic/drug addict UPSers? If you are, I'm sure it stems from the non-ergonomically designed computer clip board you have to carry and those 200 lb. packages you have to lift all day with no help. Gosh, if one line of that is true, than I'm afraid we'd all be better off working in some Chinese sweat shop, mixing lead paint for cribs to be sold in American Wal-Marts.

Amen brother