Irregular workers preload... stories

Brown Buddy

Everyone learns regardless of the position, steady pace and we get paid hourly.

Why rush or hurt yourself to be sent home early or finish minutes before you would have.


Well-Known Member
Why should anybody stand up for you if you're afraid to stand up for yourself? You just admitted to not paying any union dues but yet have the money to pay for a scam charity, it's not surprising the company is bending you over the table on the daily.

I have been lurking

Tired hubrat
You are a horrible person. You complain that the company isn't following seniority and you're being skipped over for driving. Only reason they have to follow seniority is because of the union and the contract they negotiated that you refuse to support and pay your fair share.

Again go die in a alley scab.
Nah. Let him hurt himself being the hero.

Brown Buddy

Dues or not they know who they can play like a fiddle. If they know you’ll do anything and everything yes they will abuse it like anyone else.
Anyone else feel like you get screwed on a daily basis? I’ve been doing Irregs for almost 4 years on preload and I’ve had 6 different guys as my help during that time. I feel like they are skipping over me for better positions due to the unreliability of the position, fearing if they lose me they won’t have anyone that can handle it.

Go :censored2: yourself.


Well-Known Member
When I was working preload, the preload union steward told me "If I was you, I wouldnt bother joining the union until you go driving. If you friend* up, the union will likely fight for you to get your job back and at that point you might want to go ahead and join, but other than that, wait til you go driving". That was from a steward...
What's wrong with what he said?


Well-Known Member
Bro I chose to work at UPS not knowing what a union even was. I was told I don’t have to join but it helps keep your job if you’re fired, I don’t get fired so I didn’t want a monthly sub to keep my job. If they still offer me vacation and insurance that’s their choice. They shouldn’t have given me a choice that was their decision
You guys are giving this guy a hard time, but he has no idea what a union is. How come the stewards have no expectations for anything except being fat and going home? And you on line tough guys wonder why UPS is sticking that contract right up your ass. So stupid and you don’t even realize it lol.


Staff member
Are you angry because your state doesn’t allow you to choose? I mean I totally understand if that’s why you’re angry, but I mean they gave me a choice and I chose more money in my pocket who wouldn’t?

I do donate 40 bucks a month to United way though cause my city is a :censored2: hole so I mean it’s not like I’m a horrible person like you are making me out to be
I'm in a RTW state, and I'd never even consider not being in the union.
Legal and moral are two very different things.
You have the legal right to not be in the union. You have the legal right to be a leech. And yes, it does make you a scumbag.
I want to believe that, but Im just not sure that I do. Ive seen our stewards bend over backwards to lick managements jacobs before. If I had a problem, out of the 4 stewards at our center, I would only ever go to one of them. And if he wasnt there, Id go to other drivers before I went to the other three. Thats kinda sad
I used to think the way you did. And perhaps you are correct about your center.

But I was wrong. I wanted the stewards to agree with me, and they didn't always. It made them seem like management apologists.
If I had read the contract well back then, I would have known that I wasn't in the right.

If you understand your contract, and get your BAs number, you're going to be well protected.
A good steward is worth his weight in gold, but they are not a replacement for being informed, and getting involved yourself.