Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Squeaky Wheel
"So we don’t think our dissenting legislators, teachers, public employees and their allies need to get back to work.

But we would like it if Gov. Walker would get to work.

A governor is supposed to serve the whole state, to look for ways to bring people together and get things done.

Walker hasn’t been doing any of those things.

Walker is taking his pay but contributing nothing of value to Wisconsin.

So Walker may find our message to him familiar: Get back to work, Governor -- please, get back to work."


golden ticket member
"So we don’t think our dissenting legislators, teachers, public employees and their allies need to get back to work.

But we would like it if Gov. Walker would get to work.

A governor is supposed to serve the whole state, to look for ways to bring people together and get things done.

Walker hasn’t been doing any of those things.

Walker is taking his pay but contributing nothing of value to Wisconsin.

So Walker may find our message to him familiar: Get back to work, Governor -- please, get back to work."

And I'm sure you'd have a more cutting message for the 'not to be seen' Democrats. At least the gov. is at work. The Dems are taking your money and playing Thelma & Louise.


Squeaky Wheel


Well-Known Member
TechGrrl;811185[B said:
]First of all, "right to work" is not about the public employee unions at all. It refers to PRIVATE SECTOR unions.
What is a “right to work” state? [/B]
It forbids a union and an employer from agreeing that workers must pay union dues as a condition of employment. The union must negotiate on behalf of all workers they cover, regardless of whether they pay dues.
What that means in practice is, that the Teamsters could not expect a new UPS hire to pay union dues, that UPS would not be required to deduct union dues from an employees' paycheck, and that the Teamsters would be bargaining for everybody, whether they pay dues or not.
As a practical matter, that makes the union redundant, and eventually, most people would choose to freeload since they would get the benefit without having to contribute to the effort. How long do you figure that the Teamsters Union survives under those conditions?

If you are a Teamster or other union member, this should concern you.

Another thing that should concern you is that in Washington, the Republican controlled House of Representatives is looking to completely de-fund the NLRB as part of their "budget repair bill". The NLRB enforces all of the Labor Law in this country. So this would effectively remove all enforcement of Labor Law and Regulation in the US.

Are you getting it yet? The working people, the people who actually produce the value that creates profits, are being screwed over. All of the increased profitability that harder working, more productive workers have created over the last 15 years has NOT been returned to them as better pay, but gone to the top executives and the shareowners. That's not fair.

And, lastly, I am a member of the middle class because I was fortunate to work for a good company that paid a good wage and benefits. Someone starting today, will NOT be that fortunate going forward, since all American businesses are in a race to the bottom with regards to employee pay and benefits. UPS will not be able to pay top wages and benefits when all its competitors are paying less. This WILL come home to roost in contract negotiations, and soon.

Correct on right to work, See me I love America and the Constitution, the Freedom, Question what is the purpose of the Constitution?? And forcing people to work at a union is not American. I want to make up my own mind whether I want to pay dues or not, and guess what I the union had to work a little harder to get membership that would be a good thing. The Teamsters have a cash cow with UPS and they know that. Secondly prove what bill number and specifically show where the Republican's are defending the NLRB Prove it otherwise it's just hearsay! What's the purpose of the Constitution?? This is for Techgirl