Is anyone following Wisconsin?


golden ticket member
Launched on May 12, 2008, GRITtv reaches millions of viewers weekly on Free Speech TV on Dish network (9415) and DirecTV (348) on cable and public television stations nationwide, and anytime, anywhere online. Distributed in multiple platforms, GRITtv is a daily, 30-minute discussion for people who want to make a difference. Incorporating viewer-submitted content, grassroots activism, and a positive, progressive message that aims to go beyond the one-way format of traditional media, GRITtv talks to the people commercial media ignore. Independent filmmakers and journalists, activists, and the smartest thinkers and doers of our time are part of the conversation, and you can be too.


Squeaky Wheel
Launched on May 12, 2008, GRITtv reaches millions of viewers weekly on Free Speech TV on Dish network (9415) and DirecTV (348) on cable and public television stations nationwide, and anytime, anywhere online. Distributed in multiple platforms, GRITtv is a daily, 30-minute discussion for people who want to make a difference. Incorporating viewer-submitted content, grassroots activism, and a positive, progressive message that aims to go beyond the one-way format of traditional media, GRITtv talks to the people commercial media ignore. Independent filmmakers and journalists, activists, and the smartest thinkers and doers of our time are part of the conversation, and you can be too.

John Nichols, a pioneering political blogger, has written the Beat since 1999. His posts have been circulated internationally, quoted in numerous books and mentioned in debates on the floor of Congress.

Nichols writes about politics for The Nation magazine as its Washington correspondent. He is a contributing writer for The Progressive and In These Times and the associate editor of the Capital Times, the daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and dozens of other newspapers.

Nichols is a frequent guest on radio and television programs as a commentator on politics and media issues. He was featured in Robert Greenwald's documentary, "Outfoxed," and in the documentaries Joan Sekler's "Unprecedented," Matt Kohn's "Call It Democracy" and Robert Pappas's "Orwell Rolls in his Grave." The keynote speaker at the 2004 Congress of the International Federation of Journalists in Athens, Nichols has been a featured presenter at conventions, conferences and public forums on media issues sponsored by the Federal Communications Commission, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Consumers International, the Future of Music Coalition, the AFL-CIO, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the Newspaper Guild [CWA] and dozens of other organizations.

Nichols is the author of The Genius of Impeachment (The New Press); a critically acclaimed analysis of the Florida recount fight of 2000, Jews for Buchanan (The New Press); and a best-selling biography of Vice President Dick Cheney, Dick: The Man Who is President (The New Press), which has recently been published in French and Arabic. He edited Against the Beast: A Documentary History of American Opposition to Empire (Nation Books), of which historian Howard Zinn said: "At exactly the time when we need it most, John Nichols gives us a special gift--a collection of writings, speeches, poems, and songs from throughout American history--that reminds us that our revulsion to war and empire has a long and noble tradition in this country."

With Robert W. McChesney, Nichols has co-authored the books It's the Media, Stupid! (Seven Stories), Our Media, Not Theirs (Seven Stories), Tragedy and Farce: How the American Media Sell Wars, Spin Elections, and Destroy Democracy (The New Press) and, most recently, The Death and Life of American Journalism (Nation Books). McChesney and Nichols are the co-founders of Free Press, the nation's media-reform network, which organized the 2003 and 2005 National Conferences on Media Reform.

Of Nichols, author Gore Vidal says: "Of all the giant slayers now afoot in the great American desert, John Nichols’s sword is the sharpest."


Well-Known Member
Launched on May 12, 2008, GRITtv reaches millions of viewers weekly on Free Speech TV on Dish network (9415) and DirecTV (348) on cable and public television stations nationwide, and anytime, anywhere online. Distributed in multiple platforms, GRITtv is a daily, 30-minute discussion for people who want to make a difference. Incorporating viewer-submitted content, grassroots activism, and a positive, progressive message that aims to go beyond the one-way format of traditional media, GRITtv talks to the people commercial media ignore. Independent filmmakers and journalists, activists, and the smartest thinkers and doers of our time are part of the conversation, and you can be too.

Progessive = Liberal= socialist


Well-Known Member
John Nichols, a pioneering political blogger, has written the Beat since 1999. His posts have been circulated internationally, quoted in numerous books and mentioned in debates on the floor of Congress.

Nichols writes about politics for The Nation magazine as its Washington correspondent. He is a contributing writer for The Progressive and In These Times and the associate editor of the Capital Times, the daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and dozens of other newspapers.

Nichols is a frequent guest on radio and television programs as a commentator on politics and media issues. He was featured in Robert Greenwald's documentary, "Outfoxed," and in the documentaries Joan Sekler's "Unprecedented," Matt Kohn's "Call It Democracy" and Robert Pappas's "Orwell Rolls in his Grave." The keynote speaker at the 2004 Congress of the International Federation of Journalists in Athens, Nichols has been a featured presenter at conventions, conferences and public forums on media issues sponsored by the Federal Communications Commission, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Consumers International, the Future of Music Coalition, the AFL-CIO, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the Newspaper Guild [CWA] and dozens of other organizations.

Nichols is the author of The Genius of Impeachment (The New Press); a critically acclaimed analysis of the Florida recount fight of 2000, Jews for Buchanan (The New Press); and a best-selling biography of Vice President Dick Cheney, Dick: The Man Who is President (The New Press), which has recently been published in French and Arabic. He edited Against the Beast: A Documentary History of American Opposition to Empire (Nation Books), of which historian Howard Zinn said: "At exactly the time when we need it most, John Nichols gives us a special gift--a collection of writings, speeches, poems, and songs from throughout American history--that reminds us that our revulsion to war and empire has a long and noble tradition in this country."

With Robert W. McChesney, Nichols has co-authored the books It's the Media, Stupid! (Seven Stories), Our Media, Not Theirs (Seven Stories), Tragedy and Farce: How the American Media Sell Wars, Spin Elections, and Destroy Democracy (The New Press) and, most recently, The Death and Life of American Journalism (Nation Books). McChesney and Nichols are the co-founders of Free Press, the nation's media-reform network, which organized the 2003 and 2005 National Conferences on Media Reform.

Of Nichols, author Gore Vidal says: "Of all the giant slayers now afoot in the great American desert, John Nichols’s sword is the sharpest."

Liberal hand prints everywhere, why would we want to hear a socialist speak?? I hear Germany wants you hubrat, they love the fact that u love socialism so much


Well-Known Member
Wow, 804 who do you collect a pay check from ?-----better look again it think it is from one of those bogey men you speak of . Can anyone say hypocrite ??
Do you also realize that unions do not create jobs nor wealth ?? Without Corporate America you nor the unions would have a job--talk about biting the hand that feed your family !!!:happy-very:

Listen, I help create that wealth that UPS has. Without Corp America we would have some justice in this country. As for a job, it is DEMAND that creates that job for me not some guy in a three-piece suit in some board room.


Well-Known Member
. Actions speak louder than words my friend! Many of the unemployed poor and middle class aren't looking inside themselves for answers but instead waiting for the government to come in and rescue them. Talk to someone from the Greatest Generation to gain some perspective.

People are waiting for some one to help out. The private sector is presently sitting on over $2 TRILLION in cash that they are not spending to put people to work. They are part of the problem. When the private sector dreis up or refuses to prime the economic pump, it is the responsibility of the government at every level to pitch in and create the jobs to make the economy going again.


Well-Known Member
Have the Democratic lawmakers gotten back to work yet?

They are working ! They are preventing the destruction of unions in this country! They are making a gallant stand against a bought and sold governor. Sometime a battle requires retreating . This action has stimulated a sleepy labor movement, asleep since 1997! Saturday is a day of action in all 50 states! Get out on Saturday, take your family and stand up for justice!


Well-Known Member
Without the workers NO ONE DOES THE WORK and one buys the product.

You have mentioned the main problem for unions --labor can be found anywhere.
You keep demanding the wealth of UPS --not a fair wage and benefit pkg, keep putting restraints on UPS --lets hope we get an 804 board that really puts it to those mgmt dopes ------Remember fed x is non union and with the house ,senate and presidency the dems did not change that.
Ups has been around over 100years --still very successful but not growing as quickly as non union fed x --keep pushing its only a matter of time !


Well-Known Member
Listen, I help create that wealth that UPS has. Without Corp America we would have some justice in this country. As for a job, it is DEMAND that creates that job for me not some guy in a three-piece suit in some board room.

Without corp America you would not have a country ---what kool aid are you drinking ????
If every UPS shareowner decided to cash out --you would not have a job !!


Well-Known Member
Listen, I help create that wealth that UPS has. Without Corp America we would have some justice in this country. As for a job, it is DEMAND that creates that job for me not some guy in a three-piece suit in some board room.
Wow, I had to read this three times to actually believe that someone could have such a twisted, no wait, warped....hold on....I just can't believe what I've read..OMG! The guy in the suit created the job which in turn enabled you have to have a job to support your family, you didn't create jack, you got hired. The demand of which you speak would not be there if the Corporation ( bad liberal word) was not formed to begin with. This idea that created jobs for thousands would be called ingenuity or entrepreneurism, the American way. In UPS's evil corporate case this would be Jim Casey and a few suits, lol. Please help me to understand how a Corporation such as UPS has afforded you such an injustice.


golden ticket member
John Nichols, a pioneering political blogger, has written the Beat since 1999. His posts have been circulated internationally, quoted in numerous books and mentioned in debates on the floor of Congress.

Nichols writes about politics for The Nation magazine as its Washington correspondent. He is a contributing writer for The Progressive and In These Times and the associate editor of the Capital Times, the daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin. His articles have appeared in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune and dozens of other newspapers.

Nichols is a frequent guest on radio and television programs as a commentator on politics and media issues. He was featured in Robert Greenwald's documentary, "Outfoxed," and in the documentaries Joan Sekler's "Unprecedented," Matt Kohn's "Call It Democracy" and Robert Pappas's "Orwell Rolls in his Grave." The keynote speaker at the 2004 Congress of the International Federation of Journalists in Athens, Nichols has been a featured presenter at conventions, conferences and public forums on media issues sponsored by the Federal Communications Commission, the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Consumers International, the Future of Music Coalition, the AFL-CIO, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, the Newspaper Guild [CWA] and dozens of other organizations.

Nichols is the author of The Genius of Impeachment (The New Press); a critically acclaimed analysis of the Florida recount fight of 2000, Jews for Buchanan (The New Press); and a best-selling biography of Vice President Dick Cheney, Dick: The Man Who is President (The New Press), which has recently been published in French and Arabic. He edited Against the Beast: A Documentary History of American Opposition to Empire (Nation Books), of which historian Howard Zinn said: "At exactly the time when we need it most, John Nichols gives us a special gift--a collection of writings, speeches, poems, and songs from throughout American history--that reminds us that our revulsion to war and empire has a long and noble tradition in this country."

With Robert W. McChesney, Nichols has co-authored the books It's the Media, Stupid! (Seven Stories), Our Media, Not Theirs (Seven Stories), Tragedy and Farce: How the American Media Sell Wars, Spin Elections, and Destroy Democracy (The New Press) and, most recently, The Death and Life of American Journalism (Nation Books). McChesney and Nichols are the co-founders of Free Press, the nation's media-reform network, which organized the 2003 and 2005 National Conferences on Media Reform.

Of Nichols, author Gore Vidal says: "Of all the giant slayers now afoot in the great American desert, John Nichols’s sword is the sharpest."
All I did was go on the GritTv site and post the "about us" info.....because I'd never heard of it before and you used it as a source. I don't know who the heck Nichols is.....


Squeaky Wheel
Liberal hand prints everywhere, why would we want to hear a socialist speak?? I hear Germany wants you hubrat, they love the fact that u love socialism so much

All I did was go on the GritTv site and post the "about us" info.....because I'd never heard of it before and you used it as a source. I don't know who the heck Nichols is.....

I am grateful that he chose GritTV as an outlet. Many more ppl have the opportunity to hear him.

It really doesn't matter what I post. You guys will continue whatever delusion keeps you most comfortable and least challenged.

Now we'll see what y'all are really made of. Sore? Losers.


Well-Known Member
Without corp America you would not have a country ---what kool aid are you drinking ????
If every UPS shareowner decided to cash out --you would not have a job !!

WHAT?? Talk about kool aid! Tell that to our Founding Fathers. The word corporation does not even appear in the Constitution. Democracy does. Corporations are allowed to exist because individual states charter them. If there was real economic justice in this country, states would revoke the charters of any corporation that did not serve the public's interest of that state.

If every shareholder cashed out, the demand for shipping would force another company to do the work.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I had to read this three times to actually believe that someone could have such a twisted, no wait, warped....hold on....I just can't believe what I've read..OMG! The guy in the suit created the job which in turn enabled you have to have a job to support your family, you didn't create jack, you got hired. The demand of which you speak would not be there if the Corporation ( bad liberal word) was not formed to begin with. This idea that created jobs for thousands would be called ingenuity or entrepreneurism, the American way. In UPS's evil corporate case this would be Jim Casey and a few suits, lol. Please help me to understand how a Corporation such as UPS has afforded you such an injustice.

That person that hired me didn't create jack! That guy in the suit did not create any job. The demand for a service created that job.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I had to read this three times to actually believe that someone could have such a twisted, no wait, warped....hold on....I just can't believe what I've read..OMG! The guy in the suit created the job which in turn enabled you have to have a job to support your family, you didn't create jack, you got hired. The demand of which you speak would not be there if the Corporation ( bad liberal word) was not formed to begin with. This idea that created jobs for thousands would be called ingenuity or entrepreneurism, the American way. In UPS's evil corporate case this would be Jim Casey and a few suits, lol. Please help me to understand how a Corporation such as UPS has afforded you such an injustice.
just like in sports... they provide the outlet... the athlete does the legwork..... not hard to understand... just depends on who you are willing to defend


Well-Known Member
WHAT?? Talk about kool aid! Tell that to our Founding Fathers. The word corporation does not even appear in the Constitution. Democracy does. Corporations are allowed to exist because individual states charter them. If there was real economic justice in this country, states would revoke the charters of any corporation that did not serve the public's interest of that state.

If every shareholder cashed out, the demand for shipping would force another company to do the work.

Wrong NO WHERE does it say Democracy in the Constitution the biggest mistake people make when referring to the Constitution is Democracy check the link we are a Republic (hint Tea Party know's the Constitution our action's r based on it and our beliefs. I suggest u read it and see how it could help us today by going back to it.