Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
Hubrat ill get to u in a moment, Oh Techgirl do u have the answer? what ability does the Constitution hold? what is it's main and only Job?


Well-Known Member
1timepu= corporate troll.

You can ease up on trying to sound like an idiot. You're beyond success!

Again typical Liberal talking point, if u cant win the Debate then attack, try to dis credit them. C'mon Hubrat your loosing street cred here just attacking wont get you anywhere.


Well-Known Member

See this isn't the first time Progressive has been used by the Democrats to describe themselves.. then they called themselves Democrats now they are back to calling them selves Progressives. And look what Progressives stand for Socialized medicine gee no wonder it passed the house and senate last fall they are all socialist which is way they lost. boo hoo and oy yeah Progressives believe the Constitution is there to protect people's Right's Wrong That's a hint Techgirl


Space Cadet
Correct on right to work, See me I love America and the Constitution, the Freedom, Question what is the purpose of the Constitution?? And forcing people to work at a union is not American. I want to make up my own mind whether I want to pay dues or not, and guess what I the union had to work a little harder to get membership that would be a good thing. The Teamsters have a cash cow with UPS and they know that. Secondly prove what bill number and specifically show where the Republican's are defending the NLRB Prove it otherwise it's just hearsay! What's the purpose of the Constitution?? This is for Techgirl

Can't call the Wall Street Journal a tool of pinko liberals......
And they are trying to DEFUND the NLRB, not DEFEND it.....

NEWSMAX is the conservative answer to Time and Newsweek. So they cannot be accused of a liberal bias.

So, this effort is not hearsay....thank you for playing.


Space Cadet
Hubrat ill get to u in a moment, Oh Techgirl do u have the answer? what ability does the Constitution hold? what is it's main and only Job?

“ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ”

See that part about "promote the general welfare"? It doesn't say "promote the welfare of the corporations and rich buggers who can pay big money to buy a congresscritter and the heck with everyone else"


Well-Known Member
“ We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. ”

See that part about "promote the general welfare"? It doesn't say "promote the welfare of the corporations and rich buggers who can pay big money to buy a congresscritter and the heck with everyone else"

Wrong You just hijacked the Constitution to fit your thinking not what the Founders meant


Well-Known Member
Have you ever read the *** ****** thing Techgirl???? The Constitution of the United States was not intended to protect the rites of Individuals..... here ya go the real job of the Constitution ..........................................TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE FROM GOVERNMENT............. That is the only reason meaning and Job of the Constitution!
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Well-Known Member
Read the friggin thing Techgirl learn something about our founding which you obviously either wasn't taught in school or wasn't paying attention, don't rely on others which your exactly doing, and goto Borders and get some friggin book's and read then u can talk about the Constitution!


Squeaky Wheel
"Stop the madness please were in the Constitution does it say we should be forced (TAX) to subsidize another to help them...It doesn't. This country was setup so that you take care of yourself, once you can do that then you can provide for your family, Families that can provide for themselves then help neighbors, House's of Worship take it higher by helping the community and so on. Not the Federal fricken Government. Hopefully more cutting will happen, the government need's to be 1/3rd of it's size, yes that means layoff's, eventually get rid off Medicaid Medicare SS. And the Public school system is a joke, take that away from government also. And no the Constitution is not out dated it is not a living breathing document, it very much pertains to today's situation try reading it."


Well-Known Member
WHAT?? Talk about kool aid! Tell that to our Founding Fathers. The word corporation does not even appear in the Constitution. Democracy does. Corporations are allowed to exist because individual states charter them. If there was real economic justice in this country, states would revoke the charters of any corporation that did not serve the public's interest of that state.

If every shareholder cashed out, the demand for shipping would force another company to do the work.

You have such a warped view of how the world works, but then again you are a liberal, although the term statist fits you much better.

Anywho, you say a corporation shouldn't be allowed to exist unless it services the public, but isn't that what a corporation does already? It fills a void where a good or service is desired in the marketplace. People buy said good and or service allowing said corporation to create an income stream from which is can create jobs where little haters such as yourself can fill so that you can have food on your table for you and your family(if applicable). I would say not only providing the goods and services we all need and desire along with creating jobs that allows the rest of us to eat serves the public quite well. The problem you have is you think they should do this all for free, but in the real world this just isn't feasible.


Have you ever looked into the definition of the word fascist? A fascist is one who believes in the ownership of industry by government, but is run by private hands. Going by this definition Barack Obama is really the fascist, not the conservatives you are weakly attempting to slander.


Staff member
Let's keep these blows above the belt, guys and girls.There is plenty of room for actual debate on this issue without taking jabs at individual posters.


Well-Known Member
Can't call the Wall Street Journal a tool of pinko liberals......
And they are trying to DEFUND the NLRB, not DEFEND it.....

NEWSMAX is the conservative answer to Time and Newsweek. So they cannot be accused of a liberal bias.

So, this effort is not hearsay....thank you for playing.

Newsmax is not the conservative answer to Time/Newsweek. It is more like the a response to The Nation magazine ( thenation)


Well-Known Member
See this isn't the first time Progressive has been used by the Democrats to describe themselves.. then they called themselves Democrats now they are back to calling them selves Progressives. And look what Progressives stand for Socialized medicine gee no wonder it passed the house and senate last fall they are all socialist which is way they lost. boo hoo and oy yeah Progressives believe the Constitution is there to protect people's Right's Wrong That's a hint Techgirl

Wow you got that right. Progressives USED to be in both the Repub and Dem Parties. President Teddy Roosevelt was one of the first progressive presidents and he was a repub. One of the most famous progressive senators was Sen Bob Lafollette of Wisconsin, a repub. The days of progressive repubs have been over since 1980.

You are not for socialized medicine?? You think Medicare is a bad thing?? Hmm


Well-Known Member
Have you ever looked into the definition of the word fascist? A fascist is one who believes in the ownership of industry by government, but is run by private hands. Going by this definition Barack Obama is really the fascist, not the conservatives you are weakly attempting to slander.

Fascism is corporatism: the constellation of government policies that primarily benefit wealthy and well-connected business and banking interests at the expense of the rest of us. True that basically has come from both Dems and repubs. But some people equate fascism with socialism. But they are two different ideologies.


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