Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Squeaky Wheel


Squeaky Wheel

"Oil magnate Fred Koch co-founds Wood River Oil and Refining Company, later renamed Koch Industries. The firm will grow to become one of the largest energy conglomerates in the US, and Koch will become an influential backer of right-wing politics. Koch is a virulent anti-Communist who will be one of the first members of the John Birch Society (JBS), a far-right organization that reflects his hatred of Communism (he believes both the Republican and Democratic parties are irretrievably infilitrated by Communists) and opposes almost every aspect of governance in general. Koch will write glowingly of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s murderous suppression of Communists during World War II. Both Koch and the JBS have little use for minorities; of African-Americans, Koch will write, “The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America,” and he will say that government welfare programs were designed to attract large numbers of blacks to the cities, where they would foment “a vicious race war.” In 1963, using language that reporter Jane Mayer will later say “prefigures the Tea Party’s talk of a secret socialist plot,” Koch will warn that Communists would “infiltrate the highest offices of government in the US until the president is a Communist, unknown to the rest of us.” Koch’s two sons, David and Charles, will have their father’s political views deeply ingrained into them (see August 30, 2010). In 2007, David Koch will tell a reporter: “He was constantly speaking to us children about what was wrong with government.… It’s something I grew up with—a fundamental point of view that big government was bad, and imposition of government controls on our lives and economic fortunes was not good.” Gus diZerega, once a close friend of Charles’s, will later say that the brothers transfer their father’s hatred of Communism to the US government, which they will come to view as a tyranny. DiZerega will write that the Kochs, like many other hard-right conservatives, redefine “socialism” as almost any form of government which taxes citizens and regulates businesses. [New Yorker, 8/30/2010] "


Well-Known Member
:wink2:I know I am being a litte repetitive here but the public system is of negotiation is broken.
In the Private sector such as UPS and the Teamsters, very hard ,very contentious but fair negotiation takes place. The Teamsters fight for the best possible contract for their members and the Company has given the best total package in the industry but takes a firm position because of the LONG TERM viability of the company ---for everbodies sake --shareowners,management ,employees and the union . Simple no company ---no other groups :happy-very:

In the public sector the unions take dues ,do not ask their members permission but spend their money on buying politicians who they will eventually negotiate with.
The bought politician only concerned with their own position of power pays back the union with unrealistic ,unsustainable deals that ALL of us pay for.

In the private sector whatever raise you recieve is swallowed by either property tax, state tax,Tolls, licenses, beer tax,cig tax, food tax, gas tax, clothes tax, propane/energy tax , city tax,boat license tax, hunting license tax, and what you have left the federal tax people take.

This does not work- Public sector jobs always meant "security" not the wages and benefits they have today that we pay for in a very broken system.

How about a common sense compromise ??
Public sector unions keep Collective bargaining rights but will negotiate with a committee comprised of three dems,three repubs and three indep representing the taxpayors . We cannot continue under the present corruption --as I said in NJ former Gov Corizine not only took union money but was sleeping with the President of the union . Taxpayors in NJ are among if not the highest taxed in the country !!!

Is there any common sense out there ??????:wink2:

Almost 40% of Americans do not pay income tax and cost the taxpayor because they want more and more "entitlement" programs.

I do not care if you are "rich or middle class" if you run the numbers on all taxes combined you are in the 70% to 75% range --how much more can the government take ???


Well-Known Member

"Oil magnate Fred Koch co-founds Wood River Oil and Refining Company, later renamed Koch Industries. The firm will grow to become one of the largest energy conglomerates in the US, and Koch will become an influential backer of right-wing politics. Koch is a virulent anti-Communist who will be one of the first members of the John Birch Society (JBS), a far-right organization that reflects his hatred of Communism (he believes both the Republican and Democratic parties are irretrievably infilitrated by Communists) and opposes almost every aspect of governance in general. Koch will write glowingly of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini’s murderous suppression of Communists during World War II. Both Koch and the JBS have little use for minorities; of African-Americans, Koch will write, “The colored man looms large in the Communist plan to take over America,” and he will say that government welfare programs were designed to attract large numbers of blacks to the cities, where they would foment “a vicious race war.” In 1963, using language that reporter Jane Mayer will later say “prefigures the Tea Party’s talk of a secret socialist plot,” Koch will warn that Communists would “infiltrate the highest offices of government in the US until the president is a Communist, unknown to the rest of us.” Koch’s two sons, David and Charles, will have their father’s political views deeply ingrained into them (see August 30, 2010). In 2007, David Koch will tell a reporter: “He was constantly speaking to us children about what was wrong with government.… It’s something I grew up with—a fundamental point of view that big government was bad, and imposition of government controls on our lives and economic fortunes was not good.” Gus diZerega, once a close friend of Charles’s, will later say that the brothers transfer their father’s hatred of Communism to the US government, which they will come to view as a tyranny. DiZerega will write that the Kochs, like many other hard-right conservatives, redefine “socialism” as almost any form of government which taxes citizens and regulates businesses. [New Yorker, 8/30/2010] "

Since you no longer have GW Bush to knock around is this your new boogey man? Why do you not feel the same way about George Soros, and his support of far left causes?


Well-Known Member
Ok Hubrat gloves are Off First off I am A Feeder drv Teamster here in NJ, I live IN pa, cus I cant afford to Live In NJ anymore!!! Second I belong to Lehigh Valley Tea Party! The racist card played on the tea party is bogus!!! If ANYBODY IS racist LOOK AT THE democrats look at the policies they have had in these American cities which have been run by Democrats for ever NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Camden NJ, Trenton NJ, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kansas City, Cleveland, Gary Indiana, And states NJ NY California, Wisconsin,Massachusetts,Vermont, Michigan, Oregon, Washington, why is that those cities have urban areas the Minority's have been stuck there since the 60's??????? Why is those states and I prob missed some, Have high Debt?????? Where as Why Hubrat the Demorcrats are drowning this country in Debt!


Well-Known Member
Hubrat join the debate, posting attack's from you tube and little cute cut and paste does nothing for your argument we post facts you post nothing


Well-Known Member
Wow you got that right. Progressives USED to be in both the Repub and Dem Parties. President Teddy Roosevelt was one of the first progressive presidents and he was a repub. One of the most famous progressive senators was Sen Bob Lafollette of Wisconsin, a repub. The days of progressive repubs have been over since 1980.

You are not for socialized medicine?? You think Medicare is a bad thing?? Hmm

Yes Medi care is aa bad thing it should not be up to the Federal government to run this, under the Constitution it should be introduced by individual states and funded by those states, if the people of that state want it. Also did u read the whole post or did u just pick out the good, believe the bad out way the goodLiberalism

The term "progressive" is today often used in place of "liberal." Although the two are related in some ways, they are separate and distinct political ideologies and should not be used interchangeably. The reason for this confusion might partly be rooted in the political spectrum being two-dimensional; social liberalism is a tenet of modern progressivism, whereas economic liberalism (and its associated deregulation) is not. According to John Halpin, senior advisor on the staff of the Center for American Progress, "Progressivism is an orientation towards politics. It's not a long-standing ideology like liberalism, but an historically-grounded concept... that accepts the world as dynamic." Progressives see progressivism as an attitude towards the world of politics that is broader than conservatism vs. liberalism, and as an attempt to break free from what they consider to be a false and divisive dichotomy.[8][9]

Cultural Liberalism[clarification needed] is ultimately founded on the belief that the major purpose of the government is to protect rights. Liberals are often called "left-wing"[citation needed], in contrast to "right-wing" conservatives. The progressive school, as a unique branch of contemporary political thought, tends to advocate certain center-left or left-wing views that may conflict with mainstream liberal views, despite the fact that modern liberalism and progressivism may still both support many of the same policies (such as the concept of war as a general last resort).

American progressives tend to support international economics: they advocate progressive taxation and oppose the growing influence of corporations. Progressives are in agreement on an international scale with left-liberalism in that they support organized labor and trade unions, they usually wish to introduce a living wage, and they often support the creation of a universal health care system. Yet progressives tend to be more concerned with environmentalism than mainstream liberals[citation needed] In the United States, liberals and progressives are often conflated, and in general are the primary voters of the Democratic Party which has a "large tent" policy, combining similar if not congruent ideologies into large voting blocs. Many progressives also support the Green Party or local parties such as the Vermont Progressive Party. In Canada, liberals usually support the national Liberal Party while progressives usually support the New Democratic Party, which traditionally has had provincial electorial success in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia.
See also


Well-Known Member
As much as I enjoy listening to Lt. Col. Allen west lets not turn this into a youtube debate. Hubrat has made it abundantly clear that he has lost this debate on a rational, logical, and factual basis and has therefore denigrated himself to posting youtube videos on a different topic in order to derail this thread and hide his own failings. Lets not allow him to do this by keeping this thread where it should be and that is supporting Governor Walker and his quest to end public sector unions in his state.