I know I am being a litte repetitive here but the public system is of negotiation is broken.
In the Private sector such as UPS and the Teamsters, very hard ,very contentious but fair negotiation takes place. The Teamsters fight for the best possible contract for their members and the Company has given the best total package in the industry but takes a firm position because of the LONG TERM viability of the company ---for everbodies sake --shareowners,management ,employees and the union . Simple no company ---no other groups
In the public sector the unions take dues ,do not ask their members permission but spend their money on buying politicians who they will eventually negotiate with.
The bought politician only concerned with their own position of power pays back the union with unrealistic ,unsustainable deals that ALL of us pay for.
In the private sector whatever raise you recieve is swallowed by either property tax, state tax,Tolls, licenses, beer tax,cig tax, food tax, gas tax, clothes tax, propane/energy tax , city tax,boat license tax, hunting license tax, and what you have left the federal tax people take.
This does not work- Public sector jobs always meant "security" not the wages and benefits they have today that we pay for in a very broken system.
How about a common sense compromise ??
Public sector unions keep Collective bargaining rights but will negotiate with a committee comprised of three dems,three repubs and three indep representing the taxpayors . We cannot continue under the present corruption --as I said in NJ former Gov Corizine not only took union money but was sleeping with the President of the union . Taxpayors in NJ are among if not the highest taxed in the country !!!
Is there any common sense out there ??????
Almost 40% of Americans do not pay income tax and cost the taxpayor because they want more and more "entitlement" programs.
I do not care if you are "rich or middle class" if you run the numbers on all taxes combined you are in the 70% to 75% range --how much more can the government take ???