well since he wont debate me Ill link him to death
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Ok Hubrat gloves are Off First off I am A Feeder drv Teamster here in NJ, I live IN pa, cus I cant afford to Live In NJ anymore!!! Second I belong to Lehigh Valley Tea Party! The racist card played on the tea party is bogus!!! If ANYBODY IS racist LOOK AT THE democrats look at the policies they have had in these American cities which have been run by Democrats for ever NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Camden NJ, Trenton NJ, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kansas City, Cleveland, Gary Indiana, And states NJ NY California, Wisconsin,Massachusetts,Vermont, Michigan, Oregon, Washington, why is that those cities have urban areas the Minority's have been stuck there since the 60's??????? Why is those states and I prob missed some, Have high Debt?????? Where as http://www.forbes.com/2010/02/25/democratic-states-bad-financial-shape-personal-finance-blue.html Why Hubrat the Demorcrats are drowning this country in Debt!
Public Unions Do not represent the Tax paying citizen, yet Tax paying citizens pay the salaries of the people who belong to public Unions, so why wouldn't the Tax paying citizen then have a voice in how much or less they should be compensated?
Now don't get me wrong. I'm for the union members in Wisconsin. But to unions in general I just have to ask: Where have you been? I see you in the streets now that the assault is head-on and unrelenting, but companies and government has been positioning for this for years. Being with Fedex I can honestly say I have never seen an attempt at organizing. It seem like unions, public and private simply got complacent and now they are in a fight for any kind of relevance remaining. Might be time for the private unions to jump in to support as well. I know people on the right still insist it's only the public unions, but I just can't see them stopping there.
So you are a union guy?? With all the pro-corporate bias and being so misinformed, I assumed you were management. Incredible! How a union guy can turn on his brothers and sisters in need in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana is beyond me. It is members like you that weaken unions and allows corporations to rule the world ! Which side are you on!!!!!!!!Shame on you!
So you are a union guy?? With all the pro-corporate bias and being so misinformed, I assumed you were management. Incredible! How a union guy can turn on his brothers and sisters in need in Wisconsin, Ohio, and Indiana is beyond me. It is members like you that weaken unions and allows corporations to rule the world ! Which side are you on!!!!!!!!Shame on you!