Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
Last post....actual facts demonstrate that Federal deficits grow much larger under Republican presidents. Go look it up.

And I will no longer feed the troll.....

You may want to revise that "fact". Obama is spending more than all his predecessors combined.


Well-Known Member
The Teamsters are nothing more then crook's I prefer TDU, I do not support public union's at all it causes my taxes to go up. No it's member's like you who support current Teamster leadership, I know who put the food on my table and it's UPS without them there would be no Teamster's, 74$ a month for what? I should be getting Health care form the teamsters with that kind of money but noooooo, My local takes in 3 million a year what the friend they do with it!! I have a pet peeve of people who make a living off of MY MONEY I Make u have a problem with that?

I am no friend of the current teamster leadership.


Well-Known Member
I do fight It's called the Tea Party what the friend have u done? And I am not jealous I tired of paying hi taxes tho

The emTea Party is bought and sold by corporate America (Americans for Prosperity, CATO, Koch bros). LOL That is not fighting,that is being used by the rich and powerful. They ran up the debt by giving the wealthy huge tax breaks and fighting expensive wars overseas. Take away Bush's $1.5 Trillion tax giveaways in 2001 plus the $1 Trillion we spent on his wars and we have your $2.5 trillion debt. Cutting home heating for the poor is not going to get that $$ back. Ask the wealthy to contribute more. Bring the troops home now. That will stop draining our wealth !


Squeaky Wheel


Staff member
It's More then Union's then time The fricken Country Is in Danger of defaulting 14 trillion in debt, NO COUNTRY =NO JOB so forget about the fricken union, you hubrat and the rest of you lib's have your fricken head in the sand our debt is killing this country, government debt, Pres Obama is a one term President, he has amassed more debt then all president's up to GB how's that for your wonderful leader!

Seriously, though. How did this country become so obsessed with the debt in the past two years? Of course it's a problem, but do you really think it's THE biggest problem facing the nation to be addressed at the expense of all others? This debt has been piling up over decades and seems to be nothing more than a political wrestling mat. And I know the right-wing bristles to hear it, but they really are earning the "mean-spirited" title this time. The cuts they are proposing are not about deficit reduction, they are about going after programs they've always hated.


Staff member
Here in Massachusetts

Unions Rally To Protect Rights

The last paragraph:

"In Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick has said he supports collective bargaining rights of unions. He has, however, filed a bill that would give cities and towns more power to make changes in municipal health insurance plans without first getting union approval."

Two faced %#$%#%


Well-Known Member
Ok Hubrat gloves are Off First off I am A Feeder drv Teamster here in NJ, I live IN pa, cus I cant afford to Live In NJ anymore!!! Second I belong to Lehigh Valley Tea Party! The racist card played on the tea party is bogus!!! If ANYBODY IS racist LOOK AT THE democrats look at the policies they have had in these American cities which have been run by Democrats for ever NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Camden NJ, Trenton NJ, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kansas City, Cleveland, Gary Indiana, And states NJ NY California, Wisconsin,Massachusetts,Vermont, Michigan, Oregon, Washington, why is that those cities have urban areas the Minority's have been stuck there since the 60's??????? Why is those states and I prob missed some, Have high Debt?????? Where as Why Hubrat the Demorcrats are drowning this country in Debt!

Gee, I'm a feeder driver from NJ and also live in NJ. NJ is a VERY EXPENSIVE place to live, I'll grant you that. Property values have skyrocketed. Many people move to PA because they can buy a 4 bedroom colonial for what they would pay for a bungalow in NJ. You could afford to live in NJ, you just couldn't live in the same type of house you have in PA.

One of the reasons home prices have gone up so much in NJ and other places is because of the good schools, etc. "Quality of Life" is how it is usually expressed in the media when they list the "100 best places to live in the US". When they list the schools systems they talk about how many teachers have post graduate degrees etc. This is what drives up their salaries. So lets cut out the salaries, granted the teachers with 10 plus years in the system will probably stay there, but how are you going to attract new college graduates. In 10 or 15 years there's gonna be a crisis where they won't be able to get teachers. Of course the politiacians that caused that crisis will be long gone.

The governor of NJ is also playing the same game, shouting the "Unions are out to break the middle class", again talking about public employee unions. What doesn't seem to get the media play is that part of the reason the public employees pension fund hasn't been fully funded for years, (about 20). This funding reduction was created by a Republican Governor. This let the politicians keep taxes down even though the economy was doing well, so they looked like heroes.
Another bill that's coming due is the money the states' unemployment fund has borrowed from the federal govt. Again politicians lowered the rates payed into the fund so the surplus did not grow while unemployment was low. The fund was designed to "save for a rainy day" but the politicians thought the sun was gonna shine forever!


Well-Known Member
Seriously, though. How did this country become so obsessed with the debt in the past two years? Of course it's a problem, but do you really think it's THE biggest problem facing the nation to be addressed at the expense of all others? This debt has been piling up over decades and seems to be nothing more than a political wrestling mat. And I know the right-wing bristles to hear it, but they really are earning the "mean-spirited" title this time. The cuts they are proposing are not about deficit reduction, they are about going after programs they've always hated.

Seriously? Do you know what happens to people when they over extend themselves on credit? That is exactly what our country is doing, and the repercussions of not being able to pay the bills are catastrophic at best. Right now our national debt is equal to 100% of our economy, and if watching the Euro debt crisis unfold didn't give you pause in regards to our own debt problems you will wish you had when you are wondering where your next meal will come from.


Staff member
Seriously? Do you know what happens to people when they over extend themselves on credit? That is exactly what our country is doing, and the repercussions of not being able to pay the bills are catastrophic at best. Right now our national debt is equal to 100% of our economy, and if watching the Euro debt crisis unfold didn't give you pause in regards to our own debt problems you will wish you had when you are wondering where your next meal will come from.

Then get serious and start cutting across the board SS, Medicaid, Medicare, military, everything. Don't just start eliminating programs. And while you're at it, a little more tax revenue would do well. John Deere plans to double in size in 8 years. Tax a little more and move that to 10 years.


Well-Known Member
Then get serious and start cutting across the board SS, Medicaid, Medicare, military, everything. Don't just start eliminating programs. And while you're at it, a little more tax revenue would do well. John Deere plans to double in size in 8 years. Tax a little more and move that to 10 years.

The majority of the tea party republicans did push for across the board cuts, and I agree that everything needs to be included. The problem is it got voted down by the RINOs and the dems. Even if it somehow got through the dem controlled Senate and made it to Obama's desk he would veto it largely because he believes in a future with a weaker United States instead of a stronger one.


Strength through joy
Here in Massachusetts

Unions Rally To Protect Rights

The last paragraph:

"In Massachusetts, Gov. Deval Patrick has said he supports collective bargaining rights of unions. He has, however, filed a bill that would give cities and towns more power to make changes in municipal health insurance plans without first getting union approval."

Two faced %#$%#%
what did you expect ? he's from Chicago


Strength through joy
Then get serious and start cutting across the board SS, Medicaid, Medicare, military, everything. Don't just start eliminating programs. And while you're at it, a little more tax revenue would do well. John Deere plans to double in size in 8 years. Tax a little more and move that to 10 years.
now if there is no oil how will these tractors operate ? on promises from bho ?


Well-Known Member
A little fact of life that we are all now facing.
Obama's stimulous was to keep unemployment in check and create or save millions of new jobs -particularly--shovel ready-shovel ready -shovel ready. I repeated that because that is the way it was presented.
The President (not me--I am only the messinger) with his own mouth two years later told us there were no "shovel ready jobs"
Brings us to the present major problems : Stimulous was used to pay back public sector union to keep state employees working. Because this money would eventually run out (it has) the U.S. is in major debt ,little to no jobs were created in the private sector which would have generated tax revenues in the states to keep the public sector running. Now what ???

Some people on this thread have no clue that it is private sector jobs --like you have at UPS --that makes the engine run.
States and politicians MUST create a business growing climate to get out of this mess.
Many jobs have left states and even the country because of the mentality that taxing them up to their necks is the answer.

First reaction of the real kool aid people will be --screw them, raise their taxes, they are rich,make them pay for it, redistribute -la-la-la ---the day will come when there will be very little left to "redistribute" Tell me one country where socialism has worked.
You want to condemn Big business and capitalism but just like gasoline --there are no VIABLE alternatives.
Obama promised us that under his Presidency energy prices would skyrocket to force us into alternatives.
He kept his promise --look at fuel today--(one minor problem viable alternatives still do not exist) also look at the rising prices of food,no jobs,unions protesting in the streets etc etc.
Stimulous money has run out --Job creation in the Private sector is the ONLY solution. Time for all of us to wake up !!