Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Well-Known Member
These public service union members are also the tax payers of Wisconsin. Why are you trying to deny them a decent standard of living?? Stop the jealousy. Just because THEY have decent wages and benefits?? Its the union busting governor and his puppet masters that want working people at each others throats fighting amongst ourselves instead of directing our rightful anger at the people responsible for our anger and insecurity: corporate America and Wall st. They want hostility towards these public unions because some of the working class people see so few possiblities for their lives that they are hopeless and sort of say "you have something that i dont have, therefore i dont want you to have it either". It is that mentality that feeds the race to the botom. We have to stop attacking each other. They are our neighbors and brothers and cousins doing these public jobs. Stop being jealous and get off your ass and fight for something better too YOURSELF!!

Whats Wall Street have to do with this?? (setup question)


Well-Known Member
He's a real enigma alright. All I know is we were having a pretty mature discussion about the issue and along comes 1timepu @ 142 with his attacks on liberalism, "idiot democrats" and he even called teamsters idiots. The conversation has since deteriorated and we have lost a few good folks. I am sorry for my reactions to this guy that contrubuted to the deterioration but he is a real Flamer.

Who deteriorated? Hubrat ready to debate?


Squeaky Wheel
Who deteriorated? Hubrat ready to debate?

My part of the conversation did, to get down to your level.

Not with the likes of you. I know I'm right. You know you're right. There is nothing left to discuss. I will no longer respond to your inflammatory drivel.


Well-Known Member
These public service union members are also the tax payers of Wisconsin. Why are you trying to deny them a decent standard of living?? Stop the jealousy. Just because THEY have decent wages and benefits?? Its the union busting governor and his puppet masters that want working people at each others throats fighting amongst ourselves instead of directing our rightful anger at the people responsible for our anger and insecurity: corporate America and Wall st. They want hostility towards these public unions because some of the working class people see so few possiblities for their lives that they are hopeless and sort of say "you have something that i dont have, therefore i dont want you to have it either". It is that mentality that feeds the race to the botom. We have to stop attacking each other. They are our neighbors and brothers and cousins doing these public jobs. Stop being jealous and get off your ass and fight for something better too YOURSELF!!

I do fight It's called the Tea Party what the friend have u done? And I am not jealous I tired of paying hi taxes tho


Well-Known Member
My part of the conversation did, to get down to your level.

Not with the likes of you. I know I'm right. You know you're right. There is nothing left to discuss. I will no longer respond to your inflammatory drivel.

What conversation I debated u pasted and linked nice!


Staff member
So hub, how does it work? How do the republicans go after the private sector unions? Legislatively, executively, or do they just let the last 7% die off to competition over the next couple decades? I'm not sure, but I didn't see this Walker move coming by way of budget maneuvers.


Well-Known Member
So hub, how does it work? How do the republicans go after the private sector unions? Legislatively, executively, or do they just let the last 7% die off to competition over the next couple decades? I'm not sure, but I didn't see this Walker move coming by way of budget maneuvers.

Don't bother Hubrat doesn't back up his claims the Republicans are coming after private sector union's, Ive asked for a bill number or something to prove his point but nothing


Well-Known Member
BBsam I see your in Minn, I cee yur state is about the same as Mine for Debt, who control the house up there and Governor seat?


Squeaky Wheel
So hub, how does it work? How do the republicans go after the private sector unions? Legislatively, executively, or do they just let the last 7% die off to competition over the next couple decades? I'm not sure, but I didn't see this Walker move coming by way of budget maneuvers.

Corporations like Koch Industries, given unchecked power by pawns like Scott Walker and the Tea Party will squeeze them out. It won't be a couple decades. Look for major concessions in our 2013 contract and a union that will doubtfully back us in a strike. We have surely seen our last 5 year contract. We need a resurgence in private unions now, helping President Obama in organizing America. For unions to survive, for ppl who don't own billion dollar corporations to maintain a decent standard of living, union members like us have to take action with our unions to reach the people. Forget about the Tea Party, they are a lost cause with their single-mindedness. We need to help the ppl who are asking for it, like some of our brothers and sisters at FedEx.


Well-Known Member
Wow, alot of people are saying the Wisconsin Gov is taking a radical position.
Question: What did Democrat hero President Jimmy Carter do in the seventies with the Federal public unions ???

Surprise !!!:happy-very:


Well-Known Member
Corporations like Koch Industries, given unchecked power by pawns like Scott Walker and the Tea Party will squeeze them out. It won't be a couple decades. Look for major concessions in our 2013 contract and a union that will doubtfully back us in a strike. We have surely seen our last 5 year contract. We need a resurgence in private unions now, helping President Obama in organizing America. For unions to survive, for ppl who don't own billion dollar corporations to maintain a decent standard of living, union members like us have to take action with our unions to reach the people. Forget about the Tea Party, they are a lost cause with their single-mindedness. We need to help the ppl who are asking for it, like some of our brothers and sisters at FedEx.

It's More then Union's then time The fricken Country Is in Danger of defaulting 14 trillion in debt, NO COUNTRY =NO JOB so forget about the fricken union, you hubrat and the rest of you lib's have your fricken head in the sand our debt is killing this country, government debt, Pres Obama is a one term President, he has amassed more debt then all president's up to GB how's that for your wonderful leader!


Well-Known Member
I tell you what we better not strike at the end of this contract, we will get no support from the public. we don't pay for health care we don't pay for Pension,( yes ups counts in in our benefit pkg) but 95% of the Private sector doesn't get pension's and they have to pay for health care....alot for health care


Well-Known Member
All I know is I have my Gun's and lot's of ammo, when the :censored2: hit's the fan I'll be ready and it's not that far away with oil prices climbing
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Well-Known Member
That would be remove the bargaining rights of federal employees. Is that correct?

Pretty sharp !!! He limited the scope of collective bargaining for federal workers.
Something else that would surprise many people on this thread ---It was Jimmy Carter that developed the replacement plan for the union air traffic controllers that the next President actually used. Notice I did not say his name -did not want to upset too many people.

P.S. How did that pick allowance work out for you ?:happy2:


Squeaky Wheel
Pretty sharp !!! He limited the scope of collective bargaining for federal workers.
Something else that would surprise many people on this thread ---It was Jimmy Carter that developed the replacement plan for the union air traffic controllers that the next President actually used. Notice I did not say his name -did not want to upset too many people.

P.S. How did that pick allowance work out for you ?:happy2:

Jimmy Carter is a good Democrat.


Space Cadet
Ok Hubrat gloves are Off First off I am A Feeder drv Teamster here in NJ, I live IN pa, cus I cant afford to Live In NJ anymore!!! Second I belong to Lehigh Valley Tea Party! The racist card played on the tea party is bogus!!! If ANYBODY IS racist LOOK AT THE democrats look at the policies they have had in these American cities which have been run by Democrats for ever NYC, Chicago, Detroit, Philadelphia, Camden NJ, Trenton NJ, Atlanta, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Kansas City, Cleveland, Gary Indiana, And states NJ NY California, Wisconsin,Massachusetts,Vermont, Michigan, Oregon, Washington, why is that those cities have urban areas the Minority's have been stuck there since the 60's??????? Why is those states and I prob missed some, Have high Debt?????? Where as Why Hubrat the Demorcrats are drowning this country in Debt!

Last post....actual facts demonstrate that Federal deficits grow much larger under Republican presidents. Go look it up.

And I will no longer feed the troll.....