Is anyone following Wisconsin?


Staff member
Reagan didn't raise taxes? Are you sure about that? Tell you what. I'm going to google "Reagan and the myth of cutting taxes." You do the same and let's see what comes up.


Staff member
Clinton outstanding economic boom came from y2k, companies spent billion's on technology on the non existent end of the earth doomsday scenario, The Military Is the smallest of the big government departments, Health and Human services which includes Medi care caid and SS are the biggest like I said
All through the 1990's people were spending money on Y2K and that's why we had a booming economy? Really. Can't even respond to that gibberish.


Squeaky Wheel
Taxes, at least in my definition, is money spent by government.
During Reagan's 2 terms, the % of the US GNP spent by the government went up by 0.1%.

Reagan, IMO, is the greatest president of the last 50 years but he did not reduce taxes.

Your use of complete sentences is refreshing.


Well-Known Member
Taxes, at least in my definition, is money spent by government.
During Reagan's 2 terms, the % of the US GNP spent by the government went up by 0.1%.

Reagan, IMO, is the greatest president of the last 50 years but he did not reduce taxes.
Taxes is what comes out of YOUR pocket, Reagan lowered tax's r u denying this? Of course the Government spent more cause when the Government Lowers tax's more revenue comes into the Government, hence economics 101 have you taken and Economics course?


Nine Lives
Taxes is what comes out of YOUR pocket, Reagan lowered tax's r u denying this? Of course the Government spent more cause when the Government Lowers tax's more revenue comes into the Government, hence economics 101 have you taken and Economics course?

Please go back and read my post and think about it.

Your reply indicates you don't see anything wrong with running up government debt ... from what I have seen in your posts, I don't think that is your beliefs.


Well-Known Member
Please go back and read my post and think about it.

Your reply indicates you don't see anything wrong with running up government debt ... from what I have seen in your posts, I don't think that is your beliefs.

His Debt went up in second term it came back down. Are u denying he cut Tax's??


Well-Known Member
Taxes is what comes out of YOUR pocket, Reagan lowered tax's r u denying this? Of course the Government spent more cause when the Government Lowers tax's more revenue comes into the Government, hence economics 101 have you taken and Economics course?

Your post indicates that you are making an assumption that when the government lowers taxes, business expands because it has more money in its own pocket, hence your statement that "[when the government] lowers tax's more revenue comes into the Government"; however, as someone who (as you implicitly imply) has taken an economics course (101, as implied), you should be aware that this is only one opinion of many on how large national economies actually operate.

There are, in fact, many theories as to how tax revenue relates to economic growth - if there was one true answer, there wouldn't be a field of study called "economics" because there would just be that one fundamental truth.
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Squeaky Wheel


Well-Known Member
Your post indicates that you are making an assumption that when the government lowers taxes, business expands because it has more money in its own pocket, hence your statement that "[when the government] lowers tax's more revenue comes into the Government"; however, as someone who (as you implicitly imply) has taken an economics course (101, as implied), you should be aware that this is only one opinion of many on how large national economies actually operate.

There are, in fact, many theories as to how tax revenue relates to economic growth - if there was one true answer, there wouldn't be a field of study called "economics" because there would just be that one fundamental truth.

Economics 102 Business's dont pay taxes c'mon you should know that


Well-Known Member
Economics 102 Business's dont pay taxes c'mon you should know that

That is not what is taught in economics classes.

Therefore, you are deviating from your central thesis which is, essentially, "I took economics 101 therefore I know and you don't".

Your argument has been dismantled, and I feel the need to debate you no longer. Yes, some of us can debate you, we just choose not to because of the ultimate futility of it.
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Well-Known Member
Your post indicates that you are making an assumption that when the government lowers taxes, business expands because it has more money in its own pocket, hence your statement that "[when the government] lowers tax's more revenue comes into the Government"; however, as someone who (as you implicitly imply) has taken an economics course (101, as implied), you should be aware that this is only one opinion of many on how large national economies actually operate.

There are, in fact, many theories as to how tax revenue relates to economic growth - if there was one true answer, there wouldn't be a field of study called "economics" because there would just be that one fundamental truth.

There are different Philosophy's form people who take Economics, but economics is not taught many way's but one way, but people take it from there like some people do with the Constitution, the Bible,