I think what you're saying here is: "Of course the Government spending (during the Reagan administration) was greater, since when the Government lowers taxes, more revenue comes into the Government".
This simply doesn't make a lick of sense.
If you would care to explain this further, using complete sentences and approximate grammar, I would love to hear what you have to say.
Brown army,
I believe I can shed some light on this for you. Through out our history even under JFK when taxes are LOWERED for all, jobs are created, the people that pay tax --not the 40% and growing takers --have more SPENDABLE income that is not given to special interests groups on either side but spent throughout the economy.
Perfect example --read and absorb-try to have a non -partisan position.
The recent trillion dollar stimulous plan. The politicians raved about 'SHOVEL READY" jobs and how the unemployment would stay below 8%. Millions of jobs were to be created or saved.
Two years later with unemployment at 10% our elected leader tell us there were NO SHOVEL ready jobs ????
Billions spent --unemployment up --where did the money joe B was doling out go ???
To public sector union jobs that are paid for BY PRIVATE sector people. The money was also doled out to liberal special interests such as tree huggers,arts and sciences.
The Private sector including the US chamber of commerce had OBAMA'S boot on their throats --never putting together a national budget, spending money and borrowing from China, telling business that taxes would go up and slamming in Obama care which would drive costs through the roof !!!! notice all the unions now begging for a dispensation from Obama care --LOWERING COST -please.
I can also tell you how common sense would have ended this situation.
One do not push a huge thousands of page law that nobody knew what was in it--another entitlement --during a major recession --Obama should have been working on JOBS DAY 1--but obviously while he speaks well --he is incompetant as a leader.
Two the stimulous one trillion dollars equals the amount of federal income tax witholding from our paychecks. The government should have told the American people --all of us --liberal, conservative , independent--for one year --no federal income tax will be with held. But you must use this extra spendable income to stimulate the economy.
Go to malls,restaurants,use contractors, etc,etc .
At the end of the year whatever you would have paid in tax you must have receipts that show in fact the money was spent.
NO special interests groups would have been involved, jobs would have been created in the PRIVATE SECTOR, even parcel delivery volumes would have skyrocketed !!!
The new created Private sector jobs would now create the WEALTH -from which the public sector is kept alive .. surely makes a little sense to anyone not so "dug in" to any ideology.