If you use a paper timecard, the company is required to keep them on file for an an extended amount of time which i cannot remember. If you use a paper time card, fill it out yourself, do not rely on the sup to fill it out. The sup could indeed be taking time away in small increments, the sup may simply have to try to guess your time since the possibility exhist the sup is being yanked in many directions. If you are punching in on a ptm, make sure you do it and do not forget. Regardless, always write down your start and finish times and keep track. You are paid in 1/100 of an hour increments, not minutes. If you come in at 4am and work until 7:45am, then you have 3 and 3/4 hrs. UPS measures this as 3.75 hrs. To figure it yourself, simply divide your minute hour by 60. So 3 hrs 10 mins would be 3.17. Minutes are as follows: 5=.08, 10=.17, 15=.25, 20=.33, 25=.42, 30=.5, 35=.58, 40=.66, 45=.75, 50=.83, 55=.91 and so forth. Write down your hours and minutes daily, add them up at the end of the week and compare. After the sups submit the cards which go to finance, more issues can come up that a sup isn't even aware of with time. It is up to you to verify your hours and if they are not correct, approach your sup. If you get no place there, go to your union rep....if they should blow you off, go to your state dept of labor. Eventually someone will cleanup the mess.