Well-Known Member
Not all Jews agree with Israel's Gaza action:
But almost all of the ones that count seem to.
Not all Jews agree with Israel's Gaza action:
I see you are very creative so riddle me this what missile would penetrate the target?
If it's an above ground harden target. The Israelis could try a two staged missile attack. Similar to how the afghans defeated soviet armor equipped with reactive armor. A two staged RPG attack. Two shooters, two RPG fired seconds apart. one missile would blow a hole in in the reactive armor the second missile would follow seconds after the first shot, enter the hole and become the kill shot for those soliders in the armored vehicle.
If it's an above ground harden target. The Israelis could try a two staged missile attack. Similar to how the afghans defeated soviet armor equipped with reactive armor. A two staged RPG attack. Two shooters, two RPG fired seconds apart. one missile would blow a hole in in the reactive armor the second missile would follow seconds after the first shot, enter the hole and become the kill shot for those soliders in the armored vehicle.
You are comparing apples to bulldozers. A rocket-propelled grenade fired at an armored target from 100 or 200 meters away has nothing to do with attempting to destroy multiple underground facilities that are widely dispersed and over a thousand miles beyond the maximum range of your aircraft.
The problem with missiles is that, unless they are equipped with nuclear warheads, they aren't capable of carrying a large enough payload to destroy a hardened, underground target. And Israel's nuclear warheads are too large, heavy and crude to be fitted on to missiles, they are aircraft-dropped bombs that are comparable in size and overall sophistication to the primitive devices we used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Why is it acceptable for the NY Times to expose our covert operations to dismantle the Iranian nuclear program?
Are you talking about the Seymour Hersh articles or James Risen or both?
I was talking about this article. I think most people understand the primary reason to DX the Israel strike on Iran was because we were already doing something about it. We as a nation have a tendency to try non military solutions to problems first. It seems time after time the NY Times seems to think it is their responsibility to print articles on covert operations. In my opinion even if the average Joe can put two and two together and figure out that we have people listening to phone calls of terrorists, or tracking money of terrorist organizations, or have prisons in undisclosed locations, or happen to be trying to sabotage or slow Iran's nuclear ambitions there is no positive reason for this to be published. I feel like it possibly puts peoples lives in danger and also reduces the chances of success in our nations war on terrorism. There was also one public time the government asked the Times to not publish information about our fight and the Times did it anyhow. When the Times printed it anyhow if I remember correctly the result was several nations stopped helping us track the money.
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/w...r=2&pagewanted=1&sq=Israel Iran&st= cse&scp=1
All that american provided arms to crush an unarmed people, vs. backyard bottle rockets that carry a payload of about 8 m-80's. 1000 pound bombs dropped on gaza schools seems a fair fight in your mind, right AV8?
Thanks for the laugh. You are a very funny person. Yep the answer to homeland security is to make some old lady take her shoes off at the airport. More government is always your answer unless the government is military. See I can frame your response for you.A
Just because there hasnt been an attack on us soil doesnt mean these 2 wars prevented them from happening. The mere increase in homeland security within our borders is responsible for that.
Why would I want a fair fight? What is wrong with you? This is possibly the most foolish thing I have read on here in weeks. Were did I ever advocate a fair fight? I know you will not take my word for it but when 120mm rockets land they are not bottle rockets. They are in fact very deadly. I have lost good friends to these things you equate to bottle rockets. You think that when diplomacy has not worked that you just need a different mouthpiece in place and it will. This is a very dangerous and weak approach. You will be doing nothing more than allowing the terrorists to regroup and rearm which of course we all know is what you want. This cease fire is a mistake and will be the reason for further attacks in the region. I made it bold just for you since you have a problem reading things that are not bold.
Oh and one more thing. The last thing Israel should do is to help the terrorist rebuild.
As a nation we have had two very successful wars in eight years. Israel should follow our model and use overwhelming force not try for your fair fight. If you turned of MSNBC you could probably figure that out for yourself.
"Why would I want a fair fight? What is wrong with you? This is possibly the most foolish thing I have read on here in weeks. Were did I ever advocate a fair fight?"
2 very successful wars in 8 years. How did you come to that conclusion? Granted the violence is down, but the soliders are still getting shot at and some are still getting killed.
IMO a successful war is the permanent end of all hostilities within the theater of war.
Youre not putting a time table on this, so using your criteria, the revolutionary, civil, WW2, Korea were not succesful in some circumstances not even 60 years later....
This president was, is and will always be remembered as an idiot.
And you sir will not be remembered!
Same difference.I may not be remembered, but your ignorance on world views will always remain in the focal point of those watching.