Fred's Myth
Nonhyphenated American
Sell to @bacha29 and prove him wrong.It is incredibly easy to find a buyer right now. I love when you show off your ignorance.
It would serve him right.
Sell to @bacha29 and prove him wrong.It is incredibly easy to find a buyer right now. I love when you show off your ignorance.
No way he could get the capital together and I wouldn’t seller finance him. The fact is with the current economy people are falling over themselves to buy companies that are showing massive growth. I know a lot of contractors that have cut a portion off their company to sell and they close within months.
I never said that he would not eventually find a buyer . What I' saying is that given that the sale has to meet Fat Freddy's approval the sale is in no way shape or form a truly independent transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller. Therefore, not only does that fact constrain the pool of interested buyers the buyer knowing the circumstances surrounding the transaction is working from a more advantageous position.
Now, now. Let him believe his delusion that his role in Fat Freddy’s pyramid scheme is actually the same thing as running a business."Pretend businessman"....The perfect description. In reality you're both under the thumb of Fat Freddy but the difference is you're getting out economically intact and are pursuing a path that will open many more doors of opportunity and personal and professional achievement. More importantly you're getting out on your own terms.
IWBF can't leave on his own terms without running the risk of personal economic ruin. In fact he can't sell to another individual unless that individual is to Fat Freddy's liking . That's a fact. He cannot sell his operation (assuming somebody wants it to begin with) without the prior approval of one Fat Freddy Smith and his minions.
This so called "businessman" cannot independently sell his "business" to the party of his choosing.
You've spoken about financing. If the deal is as lucrative as you try to make it out to be then financiers should be falling all over one another offering very cheap financing terms, but they're not Why? Very simple. They would be financing nothing more than a bunch of the fastest depreciating pieces of equipment known to the US economy and permission to service an assigned area delivering the freight of one customer and once customer only using that one customer's DOT operating authority courtesy of a unilaterally drafted and implemented one year contract that can be terminated at anytime for any reason or no reason at all.No way he could get the capital together and I wouldn’t seller finance him. The fact is with the current economy people are falling over themselves to buy companies that are showing massive growth. I know a lot of contractors that have cut a portion off their company to sell and they close within months.
Good point. It really is in many ways a pyramid scheme. He can try to make people believe whatever he wants but what he can't make people on this site believe is something other than what the terms of the contract he signs dictates...And those terms are all Fedex's terms and they are all dictated.Now, now. Let him believe his delusion that his role in Fat Freddy’s pyramid scheme is actually the same thing as running a business.
If the Indy hub is running two sorts. Tell me how that doesn’t affect every station in the Midwest. If Memphis runs the same type of operation. Tell me how that doesn’t affect every station in the country.It defeats the purpose to roll it out to every station, which is why they have no plans to roll it out to every station.
Depending on how early you get your second sort and how much. Smaller station wouldn’t really be worth the effort.If the Indy hub is running two sorts. Tell me how that doesn’t affect every station in the Midwest. If Memphis runs the same type of operation. Tell me how that doesn’t affect every station in the country.
If the Indy hub is running two sorts. Tell me how that doesn’t affect every station in the Midwest. If Memphis runs the same type of operation. Tell me how that doesn’t affect every station in the country.
That sounds like a major clusterFrom what I understand/have been told, they are going to control what stations it affects by zip code and service commits. In an area with 16:30 P1 commits, all their freight would show up for the 1st sort at the station. Those running 10:30 P1 commit time zip codes are the ones most likely to see changes with the 2 sorts that are being rolled out.
My station has 10:30, 12:00, and 16:30 P1 routes, so some of our routes will be affected but not necessarily all.
Totally.That sounds like a major cluster *.
The Purple Promise is that FedEx willOh, it will be.
34 miscellaneous..waiting for truck. Cha ching$$&That sounds like a major cluster *.
Compare that day's total Ground volume to the same day the year before. And compare that to the year before that, and so on.Few ? Everyday from every courier. Today’s was why is my ground guy leaving medical supplies (vaccines) outside the door. The other one today was , I was on my porch when the ground guy slowed down and threw my package like a paper. It ended up in the gutter from the wind and it was his paperwork for his heart surgery. He called in on him.
Just today’s !
Translation: The business has outgrown your ability to function within it like everyone else.Oh I could have grown with it but it required more from the people I would have to depend on than what the money your company would give me to enable me to pay them fairly. The net result? A never ending procession of guys on and off those routes. Which in turn explains why today you have contractors flying around like Buzzy The Hummingbird desperate to find drivers because my sources are telling me that management will have zero tolerance for boxes piling up in terminals again this peak because they couldn't find people willing to kill themselves out there for scraps and peanuts.
It's going to be "put out or get out" and a make or break year for contractors who can't keep up.
So who in the hell wants to do that when there's comparable money to be made elsewhere with far less risk and far fewer headaches.
What is the difference in meaning between "If I could retire anytime, I would have retired yesterday. Full stop" and "If I could retire anytime, I would have retired yesterday"?If i could retire anytime, I would have retired yesterday. Full stop.
Says the guy who can't run a business.Almost as much as I enjoy how you always try to hide the facts while pretending to be "businessman" while operating under terms that are far too rigid and far too restrictive to credibly proclaim yourself to be a true "businessman"
I see. You have no regard for what employees might think.Compare that day's total Ground volume to the same day the year before. And compare that to the year before that, and so on.
Not bad for a company that no one likes.
Didn't you strike out on a venture?Says the guy who can't run a business.