I like cookies too

I am only 20, work parttime and have almost completed my 4 year degree as a network administrator however plan on driving just for the $$$$. When they claim I am an uneducated POS I can say I am an officer in the USANG and drive because it's where the d0ll4$ are at. When they claim I do not earn what I make I'll simple state I am not paid enough to have the displeasure of seeing their dumbfounded faces mon-fri. Lastly, when they claim I am easily replaceable, as you state audi, I'll say granted you can easily replace me but if I do nothing wrong and work ethically then you must also replace my brothers, all 86000+ have fun jerkoff...furthermore these idiots can't even fit a

circle drive into the loop at the correct location using a simple gui much less set up the infrastructure themselves. (so much for this all empowering degree attained by idiots) STFU do your own damn job and let me do mine. When and if layoffs come at the smallparcel division (the bread and butter mindyou), I wonder who will get the chop, the people doing the work or the monkeys screwing everything up because of their pompous, arrogant, self-preserving attitudes...
also you claim we are lucky...bah, first off, one makes his own "luck". I do so by working parttime for less compenation per hour than my current fulltime job just to keep senority and the option to drive 10 years down the road. It takes some real dedication to come in at 4am and deal with ups bs for beans, then go off to another job all the while finishing one's degree. Most drivers realize this and thats why they stick their neck out for this company so much, going that extra mile. We are the reason why this company grew the way it did before going public...sacrificing their family time to meet customer demands...it's not to hit your bull**** money grubbing, publicly traded, stock dividends or help you make a yearly stock bonus, it's to ensure the survival of this company, get back to the basics fools.
ps: eat **** and die audi