

golden ticket member
ObamaCare's Menu Labeling Regs Hike Costs and Stifle Creativity

The American Pizza Community, a coalition of the nation’s largest pizza companies, regional chains, and small franchise operators, is supporting passage of the Common Sense Nutrition Disclosure Ace of 2012, a bill to reform the new menu labeling regulations that have been included in ObamaCare. According to President Obama’s own Office of Management and Budget, the menu display requirements of ObamaCare rank as the third most burdensome statutory constraint enacted that year.

For the pizza industry, the new regulations require cumbersome and costly menu boards that must contain calorie information for each variety of whole pizza that is prepared in the restaurant. Ironically, however, customers of many pizza establishments will never even see the elaborate menu boards, which could cost about $5,000 per location, since most generally call in a delivery order without ever stepping foot inside the restaurant. Increased costs for menu boards are likely to be passed on to customers.

The regulations for the menu boards are so detailed that pizza shop owners must comply even with font sizes of lettering used, as dictated by the FDA. New products, changes in prices, or the addition of new pizza toppings would require the purchase of a new menu board. In addition, a proposed new product would have to be shipped to a lab for testing and certification at a cost of about $500.

So many different new jobs could be created; more print materials will be needed ( sorry tree huggers ) , more transportation needed ( sorry clear air people for the added pollution ) , more inks , more printers needed , more wasted foods for the labs to do their sampling work , more Federal Inspectors needed , with all the possible combinations of different sizes , sauces , and toppings the walls of every pizzeria will be covered with the calorie counting posters .

34 million combinations at Dominoes.....they're going to need a bigger wall!!


Strength through joy
In order to comply , they would need a 50,000 sq ft building of which 100 sq ft is actually used for cooking & supplies .


Strength through joy
[h=1]LA Port Strike Drags Into Day 7, Costs Economy $1B Per Day[/h]
[h=2]California’s economy-crippling union strike against the two largest ports in America – the port of Los Angeles and the port of Long Beach – is now dragging on into its seventh day. Each day, the strike costs the economy $1 billion; ships are already heading to Mexico to offload their goods rather than landing in the United States. The ports create approximately three million jobs in California and across the country, and handle 56 percent of the value of cargo imported into the United States.[/h]

The strikers – some 800 clerks – are asking for an unbelievable pay raise, from $165,000 to $195,000. The International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63 is supporting the clerks, using their 10,000 member strong local to back their play. The clerks are also afraid that new locks in the Panama Canal will make the ports less trafficked, putting their jobs in danger. But the Harbor Employers Association has already suggested “absolute job security,” full-time pay, pay increases, and a bonus of $3,000.

Stand-by for the trickle down effect .
Less goods to ship = more unemployment .


Well-Known Member
The economy: What to expect in 2013
I said I will post the good with the bad. Let us see how this prediction below goes.

Jobs are coming back. Hiring is hardly robust yet, but the unemployment rate is well off its
10% peak. By this time next year, the economy should be adding 173,000 jobs a month, up
from this year's 157,000, according to the National Association for Business Economics.

"We'll see a slow but steady increase in employment throughout the year," says Sean
Snaith, economics professor at the University of Central Florida. "The pendulum is
shifting toward workers again."
Make more in 2013: Economic outlook - Dec. 3, 2012



Well-Known Member
Manufacturing shrinks to lowest level since July 2009

10:37AM EST December 3. 2012 - WASHINGTON (AP) — Manufacturing shrank to the lowest level
since July 2009, the first month after the recession ended, according to a purchasing
managers survey out Monday.

The impact of Superstorm Sandy and worries about the "fiscal cliff" -- automatic tax increases
that could take effect in January -- combined to reduce factory orders and manufacturing jobs.

The Institute for Supply Management says its index of manufacturing conditions fell to a reading
of 49.5. That's down from 51.7 in October.

A reading above 50 signals expansion, while readings below 50 point to contraction.

The index contracted after two months of growth.
Manufacturing shrinks to lowest level since July 2009


golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
Planned layoffs rise for third month in November: Challenger

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Planned layoffs at U.S. firms rose for the third month in a row in November, partly
driven by the bankruptcy of Hostess Brands, a report showed on Thursday.

Employers announced 57,081 job cuts last month, the highest level since May and up nearly 20 percent
from 47,724 in October, according to the report from consultants Challenger, Gray & Christmas, Inc.

November's job cuts were also up 34.4 percent from the 42,474 seen a year ago.

Still, 2012 is shaping up to be a better year than last year. With one month to go, employers have
announced 490,806 cuts in 2012, lower than 2011's total of 606,082 layoffs.

The bankruptcy of Twinkies maker Hostess in November accounted for 18,500 of the jobs lost.

The computer industry, which has led layoffs for the year, cut 3,313 jobs last month.
Planned layoffs rise for third month in November: Challenger: Thomson Reuters Business News - MSN Money

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If there's one job in the U.S. being cut.....that's one job too many!!

Oh yeah, now you are concerned?? Bush lost 11 million jobs and took the unemployment rate from 4% to 7.8% in 8 years...

Why werent you asking to have him hanged?

Oh yeah, thats right, you said "businesses have to streamline to stay in business"...

Find another hobby, this one doesnt suit you.




Strength through joy
And bhos has spent $$B , yet then numbers still are way to high.
The only way they can dropped the rate is to remove the long term non workers from the equation . And bingo everything looks rosey again.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
And bhos has spent $$B , yet then numbers still are way to high.
The only way they can dropped the rate is to remove the long term non workers from the equation . And bingo everything looks rosey again.

Again, same old baloney from the right wing. The economy is moving along, allbeit slowly, but it isnt NEGATIVE like the last two years of BUSH.

Ill take the positive economy vs the negative economy that cost us jobs. Republican policies put us here in 8 years, and Democratic policies will pull us out of it in 8 years.

Simple stuff.




golden ticket member
Need to address the participation rate 63.6%. That tells that people just give up looking for a job and then aren't counted.

Michigan's rate of unemployment 9%
Detroit's rate 18.9%

Yeah, they're cheering now!!


Staff member


Strength through joy
Again, same old baloney from the right wing. The economy is moving along, allbeit slowly, but it isnt NEGATIVE like the last two years of BUSH.

Ill take the positive economy vs the negative economy that cost us jobs. Republican policies put us here in 8 years, and Democratic policies will pull us out of it in 8 years.

Simple stuff.



Now there you go and throw Bush into the equation.
When will you man up and finally admit that this economy is bhos' fault ?
And what ever happened to the Recovery that bhos & Biden were promoting just a few years ago ?

[h=2]Fact: 73% Of New Jobs Created In Last 5 Months Are In Government…[/h]
[h=2]CBO Predicts Another Trillion-Plus Deficit In FY 2013, 5th Year In A Row Over $1 Trillion…[/h]
[h=1]ObamaNomics: Black Teen Unemployment at 39.4%[/h]

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Now there you go and throw Bush into the equation.
When will you man up and finally admit that this economy is bhos' fault ?
And what ever happened to the Recovery that bhos & Biden were promoting just a few years ago ?

Fact: 73% Of New Jobs Created In Last 5 Months Are In Government…

CBO Predicts Another Trillion-Plus Deficit In FY 2013, 5th Year In A Row Over $1 Trillion…

ObamaNomics: Black Teen Unemployment at 39.4%

Look at a trend BABA

Since BUSH took office, black unemployment rose every year starting at 8.2% in 2001 and ending with 12.7%.... considering that the unemployment rate rose for ALL americans, OBAMAs rate will expodentially rise as well for black americans.

Currently, that rate is 16.2% for working age blacks which is consistent for unemployment for all americans.

My daughter is 18 and she isnt working, is that OBAMAs fault? Or is she in college living at home?

Give it a rest. If you could bring a majority of blacks to support your claims, then attempt it, but youre not black, so give it up.

