

Strength through joy
Obamanomics: Jobless Rates Among Blacks Twice That Of Whites…



golden ticket member
Newest unemployment rate.....7.8 % , up from last month.

Young people's participation rate has plummeted according to Chas. Payne.


golden ticket member
Only in Obamaland does paying people not to work = Jobs.

Via Zero Hedge:
Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis made her ubiquitous post-NFP appearance on CNBC this morning and spouted the usual propaganda. However, while discussing how wonderful the ATRA was, the seemingly slap-happy Solis noted how great the fact that emergency unemployment benefits were extended for millions of people was – and that thanks to that (and the magic of the Keynesian multiplier), millions of jobs were saved.

So, to sum up, paying people not to work, saved millions and millions of jobs? Indeed America, indeed.


golden ticket member
The job's council that the president formed expires at the end of this month. They haven't met in a whole year.
Gee, I remember San Fran Nan saying JOBS was the president's #1 priority. When will she come out of her coma ?

This doesn't give me much optimism for the council that the president just formed to investigate violence in movies & gaming. I picture them viewing a lot of movies and playing a lot of games on our dime!!


Well-Known Member

OK let us see then how this pans out for the next year.

I have marked this in my Outlook Calendar for 1 Dec 2013.

Meanwhile the current trend of new announcements:

AT&T Eliminating 106 Jobs In State, Mostly Landline Technicians
AT&T Eliminating 106 Jobs In State, Mostly Landline Technicians -

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals lays off one-third of salesforce 31 jobs
Cumberland Pharmaceuticals lays off one-third of salesforce - Nashville Business Journal

U.S. Steel laying off 142 at McKeesport tubular plant
U.S. Steel laying off 142 at McKeesport tubular plant | TribLIVE

Worldwide Flight Services to lay off 51 workers in Honolulu in January
Worldwide Flight Services to lay off 51 workers in Honolulu in January - Pacific Business News

Austerity plan at San Diego Hospice brings layoffs 180 jobs
Austerity plan at San Diego Hospice brings layoffs

Hanesbrands to lay off 60 workers as company retires sizable part of its corporate debt
Hanesbrands to lay off 60 workers as company retires sizable part of its corporate debt - Winston-Salem Journal: Local

Layoffs set for city employees 12 jobs
Layoffs set for city employees - Steubenville, Wintersville, Toronto, Mingo, Weirton, Jefferson County | News, Sports, Jobs,

Orange Twp. To Send 30 Day Notice Of Possible Layoffs 22 jobs
Orange Twp. To Send 30 Day Notice Of Possible Layoffs | NBC 4i

Scentsy lays off 19
Scentsy lays off 19 | Idaho Economy |

Glendale Adventist lays off 21 workers
Glendale Adventist lays off 21 workers - Glendale News Press

Georgia Pacific closing Chattanooga plant, 60 workers laid off
Georgia Pacific closing Chattanooga plant, 60 workers laid off |

This is some of the news wires in the last 24 hours since my last post.
The math from above: 644 jobs in the last 24 hours announced.

I have not gone away, just waited to see. 4Th Q 2012, Christmas hiring, jobs, US Economy.....

BOD Benefit of the doubt. New admin and Pres, new vision right?............

GDP Shows Surprise Drop for U.S. in Fourth Quarter

AP January 30, 2013 The U.S. economy posted a "stunning" drop of 0.1 percent in the fourth quarter, defying expectations for slow growth and possibly providing incentive for more Federal
Reserve stimulus.

Er, there isn’t much more the Federal Reserve can do, since it is already shoveling $85 billion
dollars a month into the financial markets. (Hence the artificial rise in the stock market.)

Anyway, for comparison, China’s current GDP is 7.9%. And Cuba’s was 2.1% in the first half of
2012, which are the latest figures we have.

The economy shrank from October through December for the first time since the recession ended, hurt by
the biggest cut in defense spending in 40 years, fewer exports and sluggish growth in company stockpiles.

The Commerce Department said Wednesday that the economy contracted at an annual rate of 0.1 percent
in the fourth quarter.

Huh? I thought all the spending in Dec and the Election results would bolster all of this.

And given that the inflation rate is at least 2% (and probably higher) we are already in a real recession, for
all intents and purposes. We certainly would be in an official recession if there was a Republican
in the White House.

GDP Shows Surprise Drop for US in Fourth Quarter

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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
facts are facts moreluck...

you may not like them, and fox news and its talking heads who come on the show may tell you differently, and that maroon stewart varney may misrepresent the numbers everyday on his stupid obama bashing show.. but here they are...


Maybe you prefer the blue lines going downward, as in the BUSH ADMINISTRATION?

that was a better time for america, RIGHT?




golden ticket member
And what do all these “pivots” have in common? Failure.

Via Byron York:
The talk in Washington is that President Obama, after highlighting immigration, gay marriage, gun control, global warming, and other issues in the first weeks of his second term, will “pivot” to an emphasis on jobs and the economy in his State of the Union address. That’s nothing new for Obama.

Throughout his term, as he concentrated on policy initiatives, like passing a national health care scheme, that were not centered on jobs and the economy, the president and his aides have promised to “pivot” back to the public’s number-one concern. This is just one more time. Here are a few examples in headlines — by no means a comprehensive list — from the last three years:

Obama to pivot back to the economy (Washington Post, February 10, 2013)

President Obama pivots to jobs — and dares GOP to follow (Politico, September 8, 2011)

After bruising debt battle, Obama pivots to jobs agenda (Agence France Presse, August 3, 2011)

Obama pivots to pocketbook (Baltimore Sun, May 7, 2011)

Obama pivots to job creation (San Francisco Chronicle, January 28, 2010)

Obama pivots to the economy and jobs (Christian Science Monitor, January 8, 2010)


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Governor Brown at a UPS facility talks about Governor Perry's attempt to get business to come to Texas. Both youtube vids have shots inside a UPS facility..

Jerry Brown on Perry ad - YouTube

Texas Gov. Rick Perry tries to poach California businesses - YouTube

"Building a business it tough but building a business in California is next to impossible" Rick Perry :)


Well-Known Member
The want ads are ripe with jobs here.


The Government has taken all incentive to working at a "starter" job.

You can sit at home --get food stamps , housing assistance, energy assistance and a free cell phone along with healthcare and education.

Why should you apply for any job in Obamaland ??

As you and me know The "Assistance" I speak of --means you and me work and pay --while others just play. No wiggle room there !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Whoops, this wasnt suppose to happen when taxes got raised....

February Jobs Report: U.S. Economy Adds 236,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Down To 7.7

So much for Republican logic...

But wait, FOX news is still bringing on Monica Crowley and all the other talking heads who have been WRONG for 4 years now to talk about the economy.

7.7% folks. Get over it. OBAMA is doing the job of saving the USA!



golden ticket member
7.7 %
Get over it.....people just said "friend" it, I'm not looking for a job any more. Participation an important part of the picture. You only have funnel vision!!!

It's amazing that you work for UPS when you don't "get the big picture"!!

Were the'jobs created' full time jobs like the people wanted.....or....were they just settling for a part time job 'til something better comes along??