Why is Juneteeth a federal holiday now? It's all about assuaging black voters and coaxing them to remember (or really misremember) that the Democrat party is so all for them. I'm sure if Biden needed the Jew vote next election cycle that Hanukkah would become a federal holiday, too. Not even the other races that "whites" initially oppressed/enslaved/murdered such as the Indians (or the Asians slaving building the railroads or in internment camps after WWII) cried about getting a federal holiday. It's 100% a sham and a PR stunt. Most people that are celebrating because Juneteenth is now a holiday don't even know the history behind said holiday, similar to how an egregious number of
Americans still don't know why we celebrate July 4 (you know, that big war we had and everything,
a war that blacks fought in, too).
Sorry people, but it has no place being a federal holiday -- it has little do to with celebrating an accomplishment of the country and more to do with race-baiting. Anyone who really gets their panties in a bunch nowadays over perceived systematic racism is a coward.