It will be fine
Well-Known Member
It’s so weird. They get mad at everything. Who cares about holidays? It’s another one I won’t do anything to celebrate. WDFD!Grievances is all they got.
It’s so weird. They get mad at everything. Who cares about holidays? It’s another one I won’t do anything to celebrate. WDFD!Grievances is all they got.
Not upset at all . Just curious as to why they would pick this day over a law changing and history changing day . We don't celebrate Thanksgiving , 4th of July memorial Day and all the other of the countries history changing holidays 6-7 months later in the actual day itself but this one they do . I've heard theories it's because this day falls in the summer where the emancipation proclamation day falls in the middle of winter , could be !!! I'm leaning more towards the fact that everybody wants to ignore importance of Abraham Lincoln and the soldiers that gave their lives to change the country's history forever !!!You’re missing the point. The emancipation proclamation made slaves free as a matter of law. In practice that wasn’t the case. Juneteenth celebrates the realization of freedom. I really don’t understand why this makes you guys so upset.
It’s not complicated. It’s to appease blacks and get votes.Not upset at all . Just curious as to why they would pick this day over a law changing and history changing day . We don't celebrate Thanksgiving , 4th of July memorial Day and all the other of the countries history changing holidays 6-7 months later in the actual day itself but this one they do . I've heard theories it's because this day falls in the summer where the emancipation proclamation day falls in the middle of winter , could be !!! I'm leaning more towards the fact that everybody wants to ignore importance of Abraham Lincoln and the soldiers that gave their lives to change the country's history forever !!!
Why do you want to make it about Lincoln? Who is advocating for ignoring Lincoln? His birthday is a holiday in several states. Tell us why you’re really upset. The excuses given don’t add up.Not upset at all . Just curious as to why they would pick this day over a law changing and history changing day . We don't celebrate Thanksgiving , 4th of July memorial Day and all the other of the countries history changing holidays 6-7 months later in the actual day itself but this one they do . I've heard theories it's because this day falls in the summer where the emancipation proclamation day falls in the middle of winter , could be !!! I'm leaning more towards the fact that everybody wants to ignore importance of Abraham Lincoln and the soldiers that gave their lives to change the country's history forever !!!
You mean you're not complicated.It’s not complicated. It’s to appease blacks and get votes.
More to come, but not for the White Devils!
No, I’ve learned to reeeealllly dumb it down to be able to understand strange people like you and their bizarre perspectives.You mean you're not complicated.
Our nation's history is complex and often paradoxical, characterized by the articulation of democratic principles but also violations of those principles over the years.No, I’ve learned to reeeealllly dumb it down to be able to understand strange people like you and their bizarre perspectives.
I’ve still got a long way to go.
LOL. So, you copied some jibberish off Wikipedia to show me that you’re thinking at a much higher level…..Our nation's history is complex and often paradoxical, characterized by the articulation of democratic principles but also violations of those principles over the years.
Sorry you found that to be difficult reading.LOL. So, you copied some jibberish off Wikipedia to show me that you’re thinking at a much higher level…..
Is this from your sisters High School Book Report???
Negative….And accurate.
Not difficult at all, just humorous that you’re probably sitting there with a bowl of Lucky Charms in a set of Cater’s footie PJ’s thinking your chatter is impressing anyone.Sorry you found that to be difficult reading.
I learned long ago not to bother engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.Not difficult at all, just humorous that you’re probably sitting there with a bowl of Lucky Charms in a set of Cater’s footie PJ’s thinking your chatter is impressing anyone.
Ha Ha Ha…..I learned long ago not to bother engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.
Negroes weren’t citizens."In 1863 the Negro was granted freedom from physical slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation. But he was not given land to make that freedom meaningful. At the same time, our government was giving away millions of acres of land in the Midwest and the West, which meant that the nation was willing to undergird its white peasants from Europe with an economic floor, while refusing to do it for its black peasants from Africa who were held in slavery two hundred and forty four years."
I disagree. I don’t see how it’s particularly relevant. I don’t see how if one serves in the military that means they’ve “given back” and how if someone doesn’t, they are “takers”.Negative….
You never answered my question about your family’s success and if they ever gave anything back to the service of the country that gave them the opportunities?
You didn’t!
You’re a Taker….
No....we don't thank each other for our obligated service. You civilians feel good saying that because you're so sincerely grateful...I disagree. I don’t see how it’s particularly relevant. I don’t see how if one serves in the military that means they’ve “given back” and how if someone doesn’t, they are “takers”.
Is that really what you mean? That’s kinda dumb.
I do have a very good friend who’s a colonel in the Marines. He should be coming back from South Korea in the next month of so. I’ll let him know you “thank him for his service”. I’m sure he’ll be grateful to hear it.
Actually I think he just likes to blow * up.
And that was 100% true when he said that. And many injustices have been done to blacks since then. A lot of people gave their lives trying to make those injustices go away, from Union soldiers to civil rights workers. But today there's a different kind of injustice going on. Using past injustices as a political weapon to disparage the majority while refusing to acknowledge any blame on the minority for their plight. To push blame on white supremacy without acknowledging white liberal complicity. Refusing to acknowledge the hard work many blacks have done to provide themselves a better life by portraying a false narrative that all blacks are oppressed and all whites are oppressors. The liberal mindset is responsible for a lot of grief in this country but you'll never see them admit it. This is what frustrates a lot of conservatives. Do you actually want things to be better? Or are past sins too convenient and effective a tool to ever give that up? Because for many of us it looks like no matter what is done, what is given, what is conceded, it'll never be enough and we'll keep marching down the path of division and eventual destruction. Is that the goal? Is that what you want?
"What, to the American slave, is your 4th of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere bombast, fraud, deception, impiety, and hypocrisy — a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these United States, at this very hour."
What makes you think I’m entitled to anything? Not sure where you’ve gotten that impression.No....we don't thank each other for our obligated service. You civilians feel good saying that because you're so sincerely grateful...
So, let's see: Your whole family is allegedly doing very well professionally and financially.
Are you entitled to some free money because your ancestors were brought here to the US against their will and not paid for their work?
(I don't believe every slave was beaten, tortured, lynched, etc....You probably do because that gets you more sympathy IMO)