Just curious (package car drivers)


Well-Known Member
Touché Matt, I do get off pretty early compared to you guys. The 3am wake up comes fast though. I do think you guys have a tough schedule though so hats off to you guys.
I wasn't being snarky. 55 hour work (60 hours on duty) weeks are normal here. In the ten years I've been here, performance pressures have increased and union strength has decreased. It's getting worse, not better.

If you got the brains to put an accent on touché, you can find some better way to make money.


Well-Known Member
I'll trade jobs with you. Ups driving is a rough life. If your married with children then leave ups life alone. Luckily I'm on the back swing of my career but I feel I've wasted a lot of time in my life doing this. $ doesn't = happiness. You may be physically tough but how mentally tough are you?


Well-Known Member
The pay sucks currently I only make $34.36 hr. To go along with the crappie pay are the crappie benefits I don't pay for. Which includes a pension and health insurance, etc which makes my total compensation package over $50 hr.

On the brightside I work long hrs I miss my kids activities all the time and I'm soon to have an ex-hole..