Well-Known Member
And the followers follow.[/QUOTE You apparently missed the sarcasm. I am definitely not a follower.
And the followers follow.[/QUOTE You apparently missed the sarcasm. I am definitely not a follower.
And the followers follow.
He is allowed to do as he pleases. Never question The Great Hoaxster. Try to be like him.
You don't use the mobile site do you??Laptop/iPhone/iPad.
Careful- seems like you are stalking me Oh-Great-One.
Upstate has MANY followers.
My swipe at you? Now that is funny. I know how people feel about me. By now, you should be aware of how much I care about the opinions of others.Just replying to your swipe at me.
I know the Mods follow him ...![]()
My swipe at you? Now that is funny. I know how people feel about me. By now, you should be aware of how much I care about the opinions of others.
BTW on the name brand Rx's...look up the costs involved for prescriptions to even make it to government level testing. By the time they go through mandatory testing and the time period involved (10 years I believe) They charge a whole bunch while they have their patent...(either 3 or 5 years...can't remember.) I don't know about you, but I would love to make my money back. Estimates range from 800 million to 1.32 billion. I read an argument that stated big pharma actually only pays around 55 million to get it to market. But in order for them to get it down to that number they used tax breaks and took out marketing money because "marketing is the cost of doing business. If you don't want to spend on marketing you don't want to be a drug company." That is the weakest argument I've ever heard. Since we're not socialized as far as medicine goes, they're in it for the profit. Anyway, there's a very reasoned out....reason that name brands cost so much. If you spent the money required for it to get to market and you're in business to make money, not be a charity, then you'll charge as much as the market can bear as well. Profits keep the stock moving, and it allows for more R&D. Of course there's greed involved but I don't see people fighting for legislation or lynching the greedy bastards in corporate America, so until that happens...it's the cost of doing business.
You're supposed to be a moderator, not an instigator. You are an abusive individual. Put down the charade and just be a nice guy for once in your life. Pushing your beliefs might work on a kiddee site but most of us here are free thinkers. Act your age. I've moderated on some sites myself and I must say your actions are not befitting of what a moderators job should be. For those of you that care to know, Hoax has PM'ed me incessantly yesterday because I gave him bad rep. Calling me names and telling me I'm "insignificant". I don't believe you followers of Hoax's "wisdom" are truly enlightened at all. (key word FOLLOWERS) I'll stay until he finally calms down.
As for the derailment of threads, I see that all over this site. Another job of a moderator not doing his job. Hell, Hoax derails threads all the time.
Your Nanny Xexys says it is not appropriate when I reply to your insults and I should not lower myself to your level.
So although I enjoyed our tit-for-tat and would like to continue our game, I feel I must excuse myself.
Nothing wrong with that.
I think when you retire, you don't curl up in a fetal position trying to get back in your mother's womb ... unlike some others do.
Can't Take the Heat??![]()
Did not know you were that limber
Can't Take the Heat??![]()
And the followers follow.[/QUOTE You apparently missed the sarcasm. I am definitely not a follower.
She's just a Nanny protecting her baby.
Don't expect her to catch subtleties.
That's why he hates me too!