Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Strength through joy
“Important reminders!” the group’s Facebook post read.

“Also for all those who still have PTSD about Hillary losing in 2016 and worry for same fate for Kamala, we are in such different times,” the post read:

1. Hillary won the national popular vote.
2. The threat of Trump, the Supreme Court, and the Republican Party is much more apparent.
3. Democratic Party is way more unified today than it was in 2016.
4. Trump has seriously cognitively declined in last eight years and is now a convicted felon.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King


Well-Known Member
“Important reminders!” the group’s Facebook post read.

“Also for all those who still have PTSD about Hillary losing in 2016 and worry for same fate for Kamala, we are in such different times,” the post read:
Well you’re true to your word lol


Wait a second. She's half Indian. Why does the fact that she's also half black automatically make her "black?" Does blackness trump every other minority? How do we gauge this? Someone please help me.