Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
The Left is acting like she's the greatest thing ever now. Where was this excitement about her in the 2020 Primaries? I guess she's not who they were directed to support at the time.


The Left is repackaging Kamala Harris as some sort of pioneer trailblazer, a new and unique sort of politician who is perfect to stop Donald Trump. She's not.

In truth, she's been a product of the Bay Area political machine ever since she was on her knees for Willie Brown. She has been failed upwards for most of her career thanks to her connections and has been carried by the Democrat Party as a virtue signal beacon to signify how "progressive" and "not racist" they are.

She's been mollycoddled and held to incredibly low standards her entire political life and bombed out in the 2020 Democrat Presidential Primaries when her record as AG actually came under scrutiny from Tulsi Gabbard and couldn't even secure a SINGLE delegate.

She then joined Joe Biden, whose alleged sexual assault victims she "believed", as VP where she's continued to bomb at every task given to her.

She's unlikeable, burned through staffers like a hot knife through butter, has a vocabulary of about 300 words and will be a puppet, a construct for the hard-left power brokers just like old Joe from Scranton was.

But MSNBC and CNN are gushing over her as the Second Coming of Christ because they HAVE to. The worse she is, the more they double down on how great she is, just like with Joe Biden. The more non compos mentis he became, the more Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow screamed at the top of their lungs at how amazing he was.

It's a clown show that millions of people will vote for because they either hate Trump or spend all day on Reddit or the NPR comments section.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
The Left is repackaging Kamala Harris as some sort of pioneer trailblazer, a new and unique sort of politician who is perfect to stop Donald Trump. She's not.

In truth, she's been a product of the Bay Area political machine ever since she was on her knees for Willie Brown. She has been failed upwards for most of her career thanks to her connections and has been carried by the Democrat Party as a virtue signal beacon to signify how "progressive" and "not racist" they are.

She's been mollycoddled and held to incredibly low standards her entire political life and bombed out in the 2020 Democrat Presidential Primaries when her record as AG actually came under scrutiny from Tulsi Gabbard and couldn't even secure a SINGLE delegate.

She then joined Joe Biden, whose alleged sexual assault victims she "believed", as VP where she's continued to bomb at every task given to her.

She's unlikeable, burned through staffers like a hot knife through butter, has a vocabulary of about 300 words and will be a puppet, a construct for the hard-left power brokers just like old Joe from Scranton was.

But MSNBC and CNN are gushing over her as the Second Coming of Christ because they HAVE to. The worse she is, the more they double down on how great she is, just like with Joe Biden. The more non compos mentis he became, the more Joe Scarborough and Rachel Maddow screamed at the top of their lungs at how amazing he was.

It's a clown show that millions of people will vote for because they either hate Trump or spend all day on Reddit or the NPR comments section.
The democrat elite doesn’t care about you, me or their own voters. It’s party first, like the communists they’ve become. All about power, they don’t think they should ever lose another election. The end justifies any means to them.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Jamaican-American father. Ttku.....
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What continent is Jamaica in? - Homework.Study.com



Well-Known Member
The Left is acting like she's the greatest thing ever now. Where was this excitement about her in the 2020 Primaries? I guess she's not who they were directed to support at the time.
they've been pushing the car down the street and now their termporarily excited because they popped the clutch and got a little life out of the engine. time will tell if they can keep the car running.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The founders wisdom also believed in owning slaves and not allowing women or blacks to vote. They were not perfect.
Sounds like perfection to me.

Oh My Lord !!! What a Racist!!! How can you live with yourself?!! OMG! Kill..Kill..Kill da white man!

They also debated if the poor and uneducated should be allowed to vote.