Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Inordinately Right
She was a prosecutor, attorney general, senator, and Vice President of the United States of America. Those are all major accomplishments, and I’d bet much more than you have ever done
She failed at all those things, and I'd bet you've failed at much more, considering you couldn't even hold down a part time job pushing cardboard without getting fired for coming to work high.
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Well-Known Member


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
CNN is slobbing Joe and Kamala so hard right now. They sound like someone who you know is lying because they way overdo what they're saying to you.

People will watch these same stations that has lied to them over and over about every subject you can think of and yet they will return to the vomit and eat it up.


Well-Known Member
People will watch these same stations that has lied to them over and over about every subject you can think of and yet they will return to the vomit and eat it up.
Like Fox News saying the elections were rigged, then having to pay a billion dollars in fines, Tucker carlsons text messsges being revealed in court saying he hates trump, calling him a demonic force and the only thing he’s good at is destroying things


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!
Like Fox News saying the elections were rigged, then having to pay a billion dollars in fines, Tucker carlsons text messsges being revealed in court saying he hates trump, calling him a demonic force and the only thing he’s good at is destroying things

Yep you got that right. FOX is part of MSM. Haven’t watched them since 2010. The thing that has me scratching my head is the people that say they wouldn’t watch FOX because they lie and yet watch all the other MSM that lied about the COVID vax, Russia Collusion, Hunter’s laptop, 51 intelligence agents, Biden’s mental health and ect. You would have to agree they would have to be a real dumb :censored2: to do that…. Right?


Well-Known Member
Yep you got that right. FOX is part of MSM. Haven’t watched them since 2010. The thing that has me scratching my head is the people that say they wouldn’t watch FOX because they lie and yet watch all the other MSM that lied about the COVID vax, Russia Collusion, Hunter’s laptop, 51 intelligence agents, Biden’s mental health and ect. You would have to agree they would have to be a real dumb :censored2: to do that…. Right?
Agree, I don’t see how anyone can sit down and watch media pundits from any side of the aisle lol

I’d rather read a non biased publication and come to my own conclusion instead of having some dolled up wanna be celebrities reading a script to me


Well-Known Member
Like Fox News saying the elections were rigged, then having to pay a billion dollars in fines, Tucker carlsons text messsges being revealed in court saying he hates trump, calling him a demonic force and the only thing he’s good at is destroying things
And yet there was Tucker sitting next to Trump at the RNC. Tucker has been one of his biggest supporters. Go peddle your BS elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
Like Fox News saying the elections were rigged, then having to pay a billion dollars in fines, Tucker carlsons text messsges being revealed in court saying he hates trump, calling him a demonic force and the only thing he’s good at is destroying things
yea if you report the news and bring on controversial speakers then you now get sued . well unless they're on the left.

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Tucker carlsons text messsges being revealed in court saying he hates trump, calling him a demonic force and the only thing he’s good at is destroying things
And yet there was Tucker sitting next to Trump at the RNC. Tucker has been one of his biggest supporters. Go peddle your BS elsewhere.

We’ve all seen a lot from the left over the last few years. People are deciding whether they want more Trump or more leftism.


Well-Known Member
We’ve all seen a lot from the left over the last few years. People are deciding whether they want more Trump or more leftism.
fox was sued for allowing election deniers to speak on their network. there was a time where the news loved showing the crazy conspiracists because they were good for ratings.

One of the reasons the dems are scared of trump getting back in office is because he will then have the resources to prove the election fraud and J6 fraud not to mention all the interference in the election by the government agencies working in cahoots with social media.