Kamala Harris accomplishment thread


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Well if you ask any Trump supporters they tell you because she's a black woman she slept her way to the top. You know it's impossible for a black woman to be accomplished on her own merits and hard work.
You deny she has not slept her way up?
Do you agree she's not black?
What do you think about her family being slave owners? Uh-oh...my oh my.


Never bought my own handtruck
If a black votes because of skin color (racist) and not the platforms of the candidates, Trump will lose the black voters who are racist.

And he will gain the white voters who are racist.

All racist people will vote with a racist motive.

Do you think Kamala will gain any white trash trailer park votes based on her platform?


Well-Known Member
She hasn't paid to have sex with a porn star.
Neither did Trump. Stormy said so herself. What changed?


Well-Known Member
Well if you ask any Trump supporters they tell you because she's a black woman she slept her way to the top. You know it's impossible for a black woman to be accomplished on her own merits and hard work.
It’s not impossible I know many of them. She just happens to be one that did have sex to get ahead. Remember if you’re gonna have morality beyond trial, you gotta be fair.


Well-Known Member
If a black woman is ambitious and driven does it make her less appealing than a white man who is ambitious and driven?

The truth is that it does. But we’re at a time when that no longer matters for the majority of Americans.
Maybe that’s your truth, why are you voting for a woman who slept with a married man? Do you have a problem with Donald Trump sleeping around?

It’s interesting. The only one that’s using race here as you. I’m simply playing the morality card that’s been played for the last eight years with Trump.


Well-Known Member
Just another Republican trope against any woman of color.
Says the fake black guy, Tupac would kick your ass for using his name lol. I love that you call me a Republican makes me understand that you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about but that’s par for the course for you and your ignorance. Isn’t that right tough guy?