"At the conclusion of this contract, package car drivers will be among the top 5% individual earners in total compensation within the USA." That is how you started in this thread which is compleatley false. the top 5% had an AGI of $160,000 in 2009, 4 years ago. You can back pedal and keep trying to change the parameters but it still does not change the fact that UPS drivers are no where near the top 5% sources:
Summary of Latest Federal Individual Income Tax Data | Tax Foundation and
How Much Money Do The Top Income Earners Make By Percentage? | Financial Samurai.
Inflation refers to the cost of things currently compared to years past. An over simplification would be a loaf of bread that cost $1 last year now costs $2. That is an inflation rate of 100%. Now inflation is not tied into 1 single commodity like a loaf of bread. It is a general, overall rise in the costs of everything in a "basket of goods" including food, transportation medical care, ect.
When my check goes up 2% and the inflation goes up 3% I can not buy as much food for my family when I go to the store using the same percentage of my pay. The same goes for paying my bills with the same percentage of my paycheck. My purchasing power has erroded. That is a loss to me and my family. You use the phrase, "spending power" and I find it misleading and inaccurate. I use the phrase, "purchasing power" because thats more accurate in terms of real world application. A decent article about this can be found here:
Pioneer Investment - The Effect of Inflation on Purchasing Power - May 14, 2010. If you can not understand how a driver will be making less 6 years from now than they did 6 years ago when the raises were greater than inflation I can not help you anymore. I am at a total loss at this point.
If the only problem you had with the TA was with respect to article 7............we each have and deserve our own opinions lets just leave it at that. You saw the other apsects as, "more than fair." I saw all other aspects as a loss or a decrease in what we already had. The contract will cost us more and give us nothing additional than what we already had. This includes the incredibly weak "harassment" Verbiage. My 16 year old could twist those words to make them mean any damn thing he could want them to mean. What a total waste of ink there.