Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If it's about religious beliefs, why reference Rosa Parks? The title of the thread invites that both race and religion be addressed.
I disagree. The title of the thread is referencing the fact that Kim Davis's supporters are claiming that her actions constitute the same sort of "civil disobedience" that was practiced by Rosa Parks...a claim which is of course ridiculous for any number of reasons.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
A better comparison might have been to compare her to the San Francisco mayor who issued gay marriage licenses when it was against the law because of his personal beliefs. And he wasn't thrown in jail about it either. Or even compare to Obama who chooses which laws he wants to enforce.
There is a fundamental moral difference between granting rights and denying them.


Fight the power.
I stood up for all the racists being free to voice opinion . Nothing new there.

Is this racist ???????

Yes Dave . I know. Let the adults talk........


Staff member
I disagree. The title of the thread is referencing the fact that Kim Davis's supporters are claiming that her actions constitute the same sort of "civil disobedience" that was practiced by Rosa Parks...a claim which is of course ridiculous for any number of reasons.
How does one reference Rosa Parks and simply disregard the movement she was so involved with?

Might as well say Chad Johnson was to soccer what Michael Jordan was to baseball.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If we are going to compare Kim Davis to a notable figure from the Civil Rights era, then George Wallace would be a more accurate choice than Rosa Parks.
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nowhere special
There is a fundamental moral difference between granting rights and denying them.

How so? Two sides of the same coin. Davis wasn't jailed over her moral or religious beliefs but for not performing her job according to the law. Exactly the same situation. Except she was the only one thrown in jail. I agree Rosa Parks was a bad analogy though.