Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks


Staff member
Rosa Parks skin color was never mentioned in this article, just her standing up for something she believed in. You, my friend, are really stretching this to make this a race issue, (not as bad as TOS is,) but you are really grasping at straws here with this.
When I say Michael Jordan, am I talking baseball or basketball?

If I were to say that Obama is the left's Reagan, where do you think that conversation would go?

If I were to say Trump is the first Reaganesque republican to run for the presidency since Reagan, where would that go?

Threads do weird things.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Rosa Parks knew she would be arrested, and quite possibly beaten or even killed by Klan sympathizers. But she followed her conscience anyway.

Ghandi knew he would be arrested, and quite possibly beaten or even killed by the British. But he followed his conscience anyway.

Kim Davis knows she can get out of jail any damn time she wants, she wont get beaten or killed, and she will probably even get lots of donations from the religious right. But she wants to follow her conscience and keep her $80K government job instead of doing the right thing and resigning.

She's not a victim. She is a hypocrite.