Kim Davis - The Christian Rosa Parks


Staff member
And BB, you said nothing about Rosa Parks being referenced in this thread until I called out TOS with regards to the race card he's trying to pull, why the sudden change?
Because you insist race has nothing to do with this and I am saying that for you that may be true but not for everyone.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
How so? Two sides of the same coin. Davis wasn't jailed over her moral or religious beliefs but for not performing her job according to the law. Exactly the same situation. Except she was the only one thrown in jail. I agree Rosa Parks was a bad analogy though.
Her job was to provide legal services for the citizens of her county, which she refused to do.

The mayor who issued gay marriage licenses when it was illegal to do so did not refuse to provide services to the citizens of his county.

Both broke the law, but only one denied a citizen something that they were legally entitled to.


Active Member
She is nothing like Rosa Parks. And to say that having any sexuality other than straight is a mental condition?! That couldn't be more cliche. Is the world flat? Does the sun orbit the earth? Did people live alongside the dinosaurs? Can we please come back to reality??


nowhere special
Her job was to provide legal services for the citizens of her county, which she refused to do.

The clerk who issued gay marriage licenses when it was illegal to do so did not refuse to provide services to the citizens of his county.

Both broke the law, but only one denied a citizen something that they were legally entitled to.

Incorrect. The mayor granted licenses that people were not legally entitled to get according to the laws at that time.

iowa boy

Well-Known Member
Because you insist race has nothing to do with this and I am saying that for you that may be true but not for everyone.[/QUOTE

Rosa Parks skin color was never mentioned in this article, just her standing up for something she believed in. You, my friend, are really stretching this to make this a race issue, (not as bad as TOS is,) but you are really grasping at straws here with this.


Its all good.
Her job was to provide legal services for the citizens of her county, which she refused to do.

The mayor who issued gay marriage licenses when it was illegal to do so did not refuse to provide services to the citizens of his county.

Both broke the law, but only one denied a citizen something that they were legally entitled to.
Since both broke the law, should both have to suffer the consequences? Or only the one you didn't agree with?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Incorrect. The mayor granted licenses that people were not legally entitled to get according to the laws at that time.
But he didn't deny licenses to people that were allowed to get them. Yes he broke the law, but his "crime" created no victims.

10 point

Well-Known Member
I'm not superior over anyone. Just making an observation. You want to defend that nut job,knock yourself out.
My post wasn't about the clerk.
And your derogatory comment about LSD had something to do with my beliefs by your "observation".

If you think my post had anything to do with LSD maybe some should read the Bible before they claim to know what it says.


Its all good.
Exactly. Which is why the civil servant Obama choosing what laws he agrees with and wants to enforce is on topic.
He doesn't have the moral right to pick and choose, possibly not the legal right either. As long as his supporters agree with him, they don't care. But if this was Bush, all he'll would break loose.
My post wasn't about the clerk.
And your derogatory comment about LSD had something to do with my beliefs by your "observation".

If you think my post had anything to do with LSD maybe some should read the Bible before they claim to know what it says.
I was talking about TOS using LSD.

You need to go back and read it again.


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say all of you are over 35 likely over 50.

Because no one born since jimmy carter was president gives a :censored2:.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Since both broke the law, should both have to suffer the consequences? Or only the one you didn't agree with?
A willingness to accept the consequences is what gives an act of civil disobedience its moral legitimacy in the first place.