Las Vegas Massacre - 58 killed, 515 hurt


Well-Known Member
Are you so ignorant that you believe that you don't help pay for the criminalization of drugs use?
What don't you understand about the fact that I don't give a shi what you choose to do with drugs, just don't mess with me. The laws are on the books if you choose to break them when caught you may pay a price. Haven't noticed you being an advocate of decriminalization of any thing else. Do your drugs, don't mess with anyone and you'll go under the radar. Is that to hard?


Well-Known Member
Obamacare are pays for abortions? I thought you were smarter than a 5th grader.
Who paid for the illegal immigrants abortion just this week in Texas? Indigent illegal that the courts compelled the state to allow. Before the ruling could be heard on appeal they rushed her through. Yeah buddy the Hyde rule is no longer followed, medicaid patients get them all the time now.


Well-Known Member
Who paid for the illegal immigrants abortion just this week in Texas? Indigent illegal that the courts compelled the state to allow. Before the ruling could be heard on appeal they rushed her through. Yeah buddy the Hyde rule is no longer followed, medicaid patients get them all the time now.
Yeah Buddy.
Abortion Coverage in Private Insurance Plans Under the American Health Care Act
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) specifically excludes abortion as an “essential health benefit.” Furthermore, the ACA allows states to ban coverage of abortions in the plans that are available through the ACA Marketplace, and 25 states have done so. In 2016, an additional six states without an abortion coverage ban did not offer any plans that included abortion coverage through their Marketplace.2 In the states that have no abortion coverage ban for Marketplace plans, individuals may use federal premium subsidies to purchase Marketplace plans that include coverage for abortion. However, the coverage must be paid for using private dollars, and the plans must segregate those funds from the general plan to ensure no federal dollars are applied to abortion coverage.


Well-Known Member
I don't care what is written there. Money is fungible. Anytime a cut is proposed planned parenthood squeals like stuck hogs. To prove my point let Christian, Muslim, Jewish or any other organization that would not allow abortions, provide the same other services planned parenthood does free of charge and it will not be allowed. Planned parenthood is an abortion industry... period. If my tax dollars go to planned parenthood they go to abortions.


Staff member
I don't care what is written there. Money is fungible. Anytime a cut is proposed planned parenthood squeals like stuck hogs. To prove my point let Christian, Muslim, Jewish or any other organization that would not allow abortions, provide the same other services planned parenthood does free of charge and it will not be allowed. Planned parenthood is an abortion industry... period. If my tax dollars go to planned parenthood they go to abortions.
You sound like some crazy person shouting on a street corner.


Allergic to cardboard.
What I think of when I read the drivel from all these Trumpbots...

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Very cute, I said nothing of the sort, I was merely speaking personally and you knew that. I said do all the drugs you want, don't friend with me and don't get in my pocketbook (steal from me). If that happens I'm not diminished. I'm one of approximately 360 million Americans, do the same for them I think we'll all be happy. Until then deal with what you posted in the question minus the legalization and the glad we agree.
Your apparent position makes no sense. You claim you are ok with people using recreational drugs. Then you throw in some nonsense about stealing from you as if that's a related point. Theft would still be illegal, no one is arguing otherwise. If you are fine with people using drugs why do you think it should remain illegal?