Law Suit starts people talking!

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Well-Known Member
I rode jump seat with a business manager who drove up a driveway in the winter time and we got in a head on collision (the brand new car's front bumper and radiator was demolished). Somehow it wasn't ruled a head-on collision? Anyway, years later this particular business (center) manager was fired when he was caught falsifying another accident.
We just had 2 supervisors fired for sexual harassment. One part-time and one full- time. Both had criminal backgrounds. Decorum and decency prevents me from going into those details.


Staff member
I rode jump seat with a business manager who drove up a driveway in the winter time and we got in a head on collision (the brand new car's front bumper and radiator was demolished). Somehow it wasn't ruled a head-on collision? Anyway, years later this particular business (center) manager was fired when he was caught falsifying another accident.
We just had 2 supervisors fired for sexual harassment. One part-time and one full- time. Both had criminal backgrounds. Decorum and decency prevents me from going into those details.
Many of the drivers I work with are convicted felons, mostly for drug dealing and armed robbery. 5 were recently fired for gang related activity on company property. The guy who works next to me is being investigated by the FBI for links to Al Qaeda. Decorum and decency prevents me from going into those details.


To Tieguy:

I didn't start this thread saying every Sup is involved with a grand coverup, but the cases I put out there were real (as shown by the fact others are aware of them and added more info). I am just wondering as a UPS Teamster who has spent his almost 16 year at one building if it is as bad everywhere as here.

Most of the Management team talk the talk about doing the right thing, but in my experience when its time to report things if they can be swept under a rug they will be. A quesioin to all the Tieguys out there would be if you know of another Sup you work with is doing the wrong thing do you say something to them say something to their boss, or mind your own buiseness?

I also think Trickpony1 brings up a good point. I have always reported any injury that caused me some concern. In almost 16 years that has been a total of 13, 3 that added up to a total lost time of 6 months. Now looking around in my area I would say this is on the good side, but because of the reported injuries I get a review every couple months as a repeat offender. It has been a couple years since the last reported injury and I find myself less inclined too report things I may have years ago. Its a bad trend, one that works against the workers and in the long run against the co who is working the walking wounded.

Read my thread topic, on page 2, about management and numbers...and Tieguys twisting and manipulation of words, usually to divert the attention of the actual probably or issue at hand and validate his own completely irrelevant point or agenda more or less

This is typical management style.

Also called trolling in most forums. :knockedout:


"Hang in there!"
One of our laid off feeder drivers was loading a trailer and the wall fell on him. His training supe wasn't in the trailer with him at the time. When she did come into the trailer he explained to her what had happened and she said he obviously wasn't using the proper methods. By the way, this guy is 58 years old, not in real good shape and has several health problems. He called me and asked what he should do about it because his back was hurting. I told him to report it, which he did. They told him to go ahead and go home and he would be paid for the whole sort. Next day his back was hurting more and he called and told safety that he needed to go to OCC. He was told by safety to tell the doctor he wanted to return to work with no restrictions and that safety would "take care" of him. I advised him to tell safety to put that in writing, which of course they were unwilling to do. At that point I advised him to let the doctor do his job and place whatever restrictions on him that may apply. The doctor placed him on restrictions and he returned to work. He was given a job that he could handle but was asked at least four times a day if he wanted to go home.


I do not work in a center however I think the current demands required by our top managment and I guess it comes from the very top down. As in, from our CEO, Scott Davis, who is a re hire. By the way did you get the update for our policy book that UPS will now rehire on a case by case basis. I guess that also come from the top down since the top is a rehire.

From researching our CEO bio it is said he is a numbers guy. How can you not be a numbers guy when UPS pays you over 5 million and another company that you are on their board of directors pays you another 2 million? Got to be a numbers guy to count all those numbers in your checkbook. I also thought that "management" could not hold another job or positon while working for UPS due to a conflict of interest. How can you be totally focused on UPS when you have another duty to fulfill. But if you are the guy making the rules I guess you can do what you want to do. Look for an update to be announced about that change to our policy book too.

Our company is stressed out to the max in every department. Our management teams operates scared of their jobs and perks. They put it on the people who actually make the wheels of this company roll. They know we are the ones that make it happen. They only look over what we do to tell us how we can do it better. The measure our measurements. What kind of production do you get out of that than to have something to do. Something unproductive to do.

If they can do it so much better why don't they get out there and do it. They do this to be able to report to their supervisor that they are making improvements in their operations when they are only harrassing their workers. If they would leave us alone and let us actually do some working they may see some results. But the economy is difficult.

I think we will see more and more conflict until our economy improves. In the meanwhile there will be casualities in all departments as a result of a manager "improving" their bottom line. Or so they think. If they really wanted to help, they would instead of causing a hostile work enviornment.


New to this site, I like what I see so far.

We are having some interesting times up in Central MA.

Read this then let me know what you think.

The day after this was in the local paper a part time Sup was fired after being caught with 8 Lbs of weed in his back pack. I am guessing to sell to people at work, it is an on going story so that is all I know as of now.

Also Liberty Mutual (UPSes insurance Co up here, maybe everywhere I dont know) came into our building after hearing there had been unreported injuries. After digging around a bit they have found cases of Sups having the hourlys go how to "see how they feel tomorrow" and paying them for the day. I guess is some cases for weeks.

I have been at UPS for over 15 years, so I started thinking about all the stories and had heard about just in our local area, some I knew about first hand others I just saw the fall out from.

We have had Sups get caught on tape having sex in thier offices with other sups when they were supposed to be working. Two on Car sups (Guys with 20 + years in!) fired for covering up accidents so they would meet thier safety numbers. We had a shift manager with all his underlings caught playing with numbers so they would get bigger bonuses (You cant add 1000s of fake packages to your work day all the time and not get caught) Night manger let go for grabbing an employee by the throat. On and on.

Is it like this everywhere at UPS? Ffrom the feel of most the threads I have looked at I would say yes, but I would like to hear it from all you folks.



New Member
We do need to file a law suit... I was fired after 20 yrs of service. teamsters rolled over and played dead for the company. This needs to stop..... People better wake up.....


Oh I know first hand about the accident cover ups, and the 2 guys that got the axe are not missed.

As for the extended "demos", and I am guessing that is how they are explained, it does stink of cover-up. If someone is hurt and is seeing a Dr, not reporting it is Ins fraud, isnt it?! This would effect UPSs payments to the co at the very least.

I just find it funny sometimes working in a Co that has the attitude that the Union guy is always sticking it to the Co and these are our "Leaders"

Lead by example! :surprised:
Ain't that the truth?

Management's position is that it's not a DART until a doctor says you can't work, as I understand it. I got injured Thurs when someone turned on a belt I was on (not a conveyor securing violation -- I had unknowingly gone beyond the area I had secured -- something not covered by any of the training I've seen -- thinking that I'd turned off the whole series) and they kept me on my Union Safety Co-Chair duty (yes I am -- LOL!) Friday on my second shift instead of loading. I could still do a version of my Revenue Recovery job with one good limb (my knees are shot, too) and did, but my right shoulder is not getting better and I expect I'll be a DART come Monday.
Gandy, if you got shot, I'm sure at some point, you'd start feeling better, but that doesn't change the fact that your body has been damaged.

just be of our drivers hurt his ankle. went to company doctor said he was ok. Just a sprang. It kept hurting all week driver couldn't take it any more went to his doc. and found out he had torn ligaments in his ankle. so just be careful they are only worried about their numbers and not you. best quote from safety was.."don't give yourself a life time of hurt for a part time job!"
Or for a full time job, for that matter.

It is against the law! These idiots that are not reporting their injuries are not protecting their future in case the injuries get worse or even disable them. A minor ankle sprain or cut finger may be one thing to take a sick day and heal on its own but to have a hurt knee or back and not report it as job related is just moronic.
everything should be reported, big or small. Let's get a real view of the mishaps that can happen, so they can be prevented in the future.

We do need to file a law suit... I was fired after 20 yrs of service. teamsters rolled over and played dead for the company. This needs to stop..... People better wake up.....
Fired for? It's easy to say that you were fired and get the crowd roaring. I guess since there are no details, it's left up to the reader to decide.