Trucker, I believe all UPSers are highly motivated and have a good heart as we can see here. Whether it be with an encouraging word, a smile or just being there to listen. In this post I would like to tell you what you need to hear and not what you want to hear(I say this in a respectful manner). Before I start I want to tell you about my GrandPa, he was a WW1 vet, he was 91 when he died in the late 1980 s. He got hit by a artilary shell that left shrapnel all in his leg, he didnt talk about the war, but my Dad said pieces of shrapnel was still in his leg(could get it all out)and he limped badly. I tell you this because my Grandpa was a tuff old son of bitch that didnt take
from no one. Trucker you need to get back into the ring(bc ring) you ll be doing yourself a favor and the others around you. Get in there and kick some
en ass. Dont take that
from anybody.(sorry for the profanity). Pull yourself up by your boot straps. Right now you are sitting in the corner of the ring on your stool. Go spit in the bucket, get that cut patched up over your left eye and get back out there. Theres a school of thought out there, that when the going gets tuff, quit. Thats just plain bs. In closing, Trucker, you have all of us Brown Cafers in you corner, so get on out there and kick some ass my friend. I ll be praying for you. God Bless.