Senior Member
Sorry, I did not know you had mental issue's.First of all, you've tagged me wrong. I voted for the OZ slate in the IBT election but I didn't bother showing up for Bernie, let alone Hillary or Biden or Trump.You think you're wise voting for this or that stupid candidate who's against "socialism" but you're being peed on just the same.
Yes, I'm in favor of businesses no longer existing. To my mind a minimal definition of communism, as I would have it, is the abolition of all wage labor. People like you pay lip service to "freedom" then think nothing of following orders all the livelong day for an employer, e.g., slaving for a wage because you think the only way to live is by "paying your dues" in order to pay the bills. Where's the freedom? You need to have the minimal means and skills to support yourself amidst a society committed to liberty in order to actually enjoy it. You'll hate to hear it, but freedom is not easy to achieve without a supportive society. We're social animals. And a supportive society is exactly we don't have. In this society we work for purposes that aren't ours just to survive. That's not freedom; you adulterate the word if you say it is.
I assumed you were a socialist, not a sociopath.
Some how you got deeply emotionally scarred in your past.
I have dealt with, consulted, and supported people that have this mental issue.
When you blame everything and everyone for your problems you are the center of the vortex.
Seek professional help.