Lightest peak season ever


Well-Known Member
The biggest mistake the powers to be at UPS ever made was delivering Amazon’s crap for the last ten years or however long it was. As soon as UPS got a sniff that Amazon wanted to at some point, get into the business of moving their own freight, including last mile, UPS shouldve told them to kick rocks. Deliver your own crap. That’s going to go down as being one of the biggest mistakes a company the size and force like UPS has ever made. Amazon is what they are today, in a very large part because of UPS. If we never delivered their crap they would’ve failed miserably trying to do it themselves. They’d be a shell of what they are today without UPS. Now it’s too late. We carried them and they don’t need us anymore. Abney and whoever was in before him really screwed up big time. UPS executives only see today. Today’s profits when we were delivering Amazon. They never look big picture.


Well-Known Member
That was daily for me all year long, for years.
Peak was my slow season.
Only time help was sent.
Save the OT, invest it, payoff all debt then wake up one day and say I am done.
Never say it is the worst, next peak could prove you wrong.

I am really scared now.
I did not know you were so tough.
Only punks name themselves thugs. when they have a gang behind them.
Just a guess on my part, but you would not be a pimple on the butt of the really tough guys I have had to encountered in my life.
Those days are far behind me, but my evil twin still is inside me.
Try and grab my throat and see what it gets you.
Fair warning.


Well-Known Member
How do you not see that this statement is wrong? It's NOT the PVD's that are violating ANY contract. We don't sign a union contract. Why do you spin this into a violation by the PVD? UPS is violating the contract IF, indeed, there is actually definitive wording in the contract. Blame your company NOT the individuals please.
Go get 'em tiger. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Code 5 every day this week so far ✊

I know the boomers won't like that one. Idc.. Let. Me get off early every weekday and run a full route on Sat. Better than staying out till 11pm every night and trying to run out of hours.


Well-Known Member
I was home by 515. There are other guys out past 7-8 every night. But a lot of us are getting done pretty early. I'm cool with it. I had a more than enough 10pmers past two years.

I mean I could have thrown out the anchor and drug my route out until 8 if I wanted to. But it's cold and dark and if rather be home.


Well-Known Member
I’d rather be done at a decent time , forget that 10pm bs . I don’t care if they’re using pvds. I guess if you aren’t getting 8 hours , then complain. Enjoy the early days because when peak is over them people are gone .


Well-Known Member
You need so many hours per year as a pension credit so you get full credit for a year.
Irish disease bunch of Colonel 5 days and someone paid dead days then all of a sudden you don't have a full credit for your pension year

Oh ok. I figured that's what you were hinting at.

Yeah I'm good. I'm still newish so I don't call out or request off(not that I could get the day anyways) . My hours have to be up there with the elite salary drivers /milkers