Thanks man. Maybe I psyched myself out too much. I made my scratch days going almost 1 hour under everyday so now I feel like I have to keep up that pace or I'll look like a lazy bum. Maybe I expect too much of myself or trying too hard to impress the other drivers who are telling me I'm killing it. Maybe I should take it easier and not try to make it around 1 hour under every time I hit the road lol.
You're almost there, might as well give it a shot, no? The job has enough stresses without trying to kill it every day haha.
You'll prolly have some rough times during your first few months as an unassigned driver, but if you're already scratching by an hour you'll get the hang of going out in the blind. Helps a lot to study the dispatch computer before you leave for businesses, pickup commits (also dead pickups that haven't been taken out of the board), and res/com those resi savers. I usually run straight air until I'm familiar with a route. I'm guessing you'll be working Sat -- have a solid plan by 1030 for making your 1200 air commits bc Sat routes cover a lot of territory.
Another way you can give yourself a breather is by starting do all your work on the clock. My last week in the packet I started taking my breaks, e.g., no sorting, no route planning.