My Senior Picture
In my region, our supplement does, by virtue of when they were hired.Well, unfortunately we don’t have all the facts. I have a few questions of my own, that I’m sure will be answered in time. Until then I’d rather not speculate. Who classifies the employee as seasonal vs permanent?
Is it different in the East, or a Local 25 Seniority Application that I have never heard of???
As far as having the facts, I would think Local 25 would have been "chomping at the bit" to get those facts out there, rather than declining to comment???
Personally I am disappointed, as I am looking for someone (or a group of "someones") to pull us from the train wreck....
....but it's not in my fiber to turn a blind eye to "old school" crap like this.
The longer it festers, the more it stinks.