I'm just curious if you asked about it there or if they mentioned it in the general membership meeting. That's where my local would have addressed it. They wouldn't send out a press release to the local news of something. On the local website at most.If I didn't does it justify local 25 sending teamsters home with $0 checks?
They are? Can I see that hand out?You guys realize Amazon Executives are showing this story to their employees right?
This is one of the many reasons why locals shouldn't behave like this. It hurts all of us.
I'm just curious if you asked about it there or if they mentioned it in the general membership meeting. That's where my local would have addressed it. They wouldn't send out a press release to the local news of something. On the local website at most.
Ok.Were on a forum titled, "UPS Union Issues." Why can't a single person just say, "We won't let that happen again."
My local has never once deducted $490 from a single weeks pay for union dues. Never.
We won't let that happen again. Scouts honor.
Absolutely.Do you understand why the union sending teamsters home with a $0 check is bad for all of us?
Hey, we *ed up. That won't happen again.
I believe if your working in a union job you should have to pay dues like everyone else that is working there. How is it fair for Seasonal workers to not pay dues when the guy or girl beside them is paying. The funny part is when a seasonal worker has a payroll issue or feels harassed because management is asking them to work for their money the first person they go to is a Union Rep. “I don’t want to pay dues yet you need to help me union”. Come on wake up. Also the union is the organization that negotiated the seasonal wages I would say the same as some of the others on here. If you don’t want to pay dues go work a “non-union job”
Can local 25 admit when theyScroll up and read it was not Local 25's fault UPS dropped the ball on the whole issue. One thing you'll learn about UPS is they never admit when they * up.
Yeah, all the way back toCan local 25 admit when they *ed up? Good God this post backfired.
Now I can agree with you. Someone should start with HR then a trip to the local.
Ok? Doesn't change the fact that local 25 stole from my union brothers and sisters.Yeah, all the way back to
December 2018
Shows to be a frequent flyer. It's definitely wrong. My local did the same thing to me about 30 years agoOk? Doesn't change the fact that local 25 stole from my union brothers and sisters.